REJOICE with me + pray 4 Able - the guy who KEPS FALLING- into GOD's HANDS!!
Yup, I’ve fallen over yet again! [see top picture]
Simply because of my stupid resolve to get where I want to go in the shortest time possible regardless of the dangers / risks involved. L
Nothing too serious, just lots of cuts, scratches & bruises. J
I’ll refrain from boring you with all the dumb details, yet again any fragments of pride I might’ve built up between this fall & my previous fall was totally & utterly ground to dust.
Which is good I guess, humility is good J
Unfortunately the old voice of lies I’ve given audience too for far too long haunted & taunted me to the point of despairing of life . . .
Thankfully, God’s lavish grace keeps me rising again after every fall
He sent angels to attend me in the form of the internationals at our mid-week Bible Study, & of course my parents ;)
Was reminded not only in thought or word only but in much action & truth that I am SO VERY WELL LOVED!
:D rejoice with me!! :D
:D the fall could’ve been SO much worse .. It wasn’t... I must’ve fallen into His hands yet again ;)
:D falls like this don’t happen everyday, a miracle of God given my clumsiness!
:D Isn’t it just like Father to turn every time I fall badly into an occasion to remind me of the absolute, complete & permanent security in His unfailing unconditional love for me. :)
:D the basis for His relationship to me isn’t how not-clumsy I am but how much I let Him love me!
:D thuis life isn’t about how well I do things, but simply allowing Him to live His life through me!
* Please pray I don’t keep all this love to myself, but share it all around especially as so many in this world live loveless lives L
i fell off my bed last night in my sleep .. suspect it may have been a possible seizure?
Feeling SO weak & tired .. Am sleeping but waking up feeling unrested :(
Feeling incredibly fearful of the next fall I’ll have, and then Father brought this verse to mind:
Proverbs 29:25 the fear of man is a cause of danger: but whoever puts his faith in the Lord will have a safe place on high.
Even though I think the verse is talking more about fearing others rather than oneself, I think the same truth applies, even if I fear myself it’ll be the cause of danger... I need to trust in the Lord \Most High, who’s protecting safe arms are much greater than my clumsiness!
* I’d fear not myself & my clumsiness but trust The Father to keep me safe!
we'd be tuned into ONLY His Voice of Truth & NOT the other voices of lies around us!
* HELP TO RECOVER my glasses [I suspect they fell off after I fell] or give me a cheap replacement pair!
These Scriptures echoed my soul this morning...
Proverbs 30:1 "I'm weary, O God. I'm weary and worn out, O God.
Pro 30:2 I'm more like a dumb animal than a human being. I don't even have human understanding.
Pro 30:3 I haven't learned wisdom. I don't have knowledge of the Holy One.
PLEASE! If you care about me & love me, please tell me anytime you see something wrong in my life!
~thanks~!! please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
Yup, I’ve fallen over yet again! [see top picture]
Simply because of my stupid resolve to get where I want to go in the shortest time possible regardless of the dangers / risks involved. L
Nothing too serious, just lots of cuts, scratches & bruises. J
I’ll refrain from boring you with all the dumb details, yet again any fragments of pride I might’ve built up between this fall & my previous fall was totally & utterly ground to dust.
Which is good I guess, humility is good J
Unfortunately the old voice of lies I’ve given audience too for far too long haunted & taunted me to the point of despairing of life . . .
Thankfully, God’s lavish grace keeps me rising again after every fall
He sent angels to attend me in the form of the internationals at our mid-week Bible Study, & of course my parents ;)
Was reminded not only in thought or word only but in much action & truth that I am SO VERY WELL LOVED!
:D rejoice with me!! :D
:D the fall could’ve been SO much worse .. It wasn’t... I must’ve fallen into His hands yet again ;)
:D falls like this don’t happen everyday, a miracle of God given my clumsiness!
:D Isn’t it just like Father to turn every time I fall badly into an occasion to remind me of the absolute, complete & permanent security in His unfailing unconditional love for me. :)
:D the basis for His relationship to me isn’t how not-clumsy I am but how much I let Him love me!
:D thuis life isn’t about how well I do things, but simply allowing Him to live His life through me!
* Please pray I don’t keep all this love to myself, but share it all around especially as so many in this world live loveless lives L
i fell off my bed last night in my sleep .. suspect it may have been a possible seizure?
Feeling SO weak & tired .. Am sleeping but waking up feeling unrested :(
Feeling incredibly fearful of the next fall I’ll have, and then Father brought this verse to mind:
Proverbs 29:25 the fear of man is a cause of danger: but whoever puts his faith in the Lord will have a safe place on high.
Even though I think the verse is talking more about fearing others rather than oneself, I think the same truth applies, even if I fear myself it’ll be the cause of danger... I need to trust in the Lord \Most High, who’s protecting safe arms are much greater than my clumsiness!
* I’d fear not myself & my clumsiness but trust The Father to keep me safe!
we'd be tuned into ONLY His Voice of Truth & NOT the other voices of lies around us!
* HELP TO RECOVER my glasses [I suspect they fell off after I fell] or give me a cheap replacement pair!
These Scriptures echoed my soul this morning...
Proverbs 30:1 "I'm weary, O God. I'm weary and worn out, O God.
Pro 30:2 I'm more like a dumb animal than a human being. I don't even have human understanding.
Pro 30:3 I haven't learned wisdom. I don't have knowledge of the Holy One.
PLEASE! If you care about me & love me, please tell me anytime you see something wrong in my life!
~thanks~!! please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
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