Monday, July 14, 2008

praise& pray for ships' ministry!

is coming down under~!
got a call this morning - have been accepted as a volunteer!
:D rejoice with me!! :D
:D all He has done in & through the ministry of ships like the Doulos, Logos II, Logos Hope & others!
:D The ship being able to visit Australia this yr!
:D 30 second spots are now being played daily on radio stations in Brisbane, Toowoomba, Caboolture, Sunshine Coast... and soon, the Gold Coast too!
:D open doors for publicity. It's amazing that the latest in the computer world can also be used to get the message out - even Facebook! Check out the latest video clip posted on Facebook by Jiamin Choo, the line-up team leader<> &eid=24710517999.
* unite the whole body of Christ to catch a vision to be involved with the Doulos Down Under visit - the purpose of which is to glorify God by sharing the gospel in partnership with local initiatives and to motivate and mobilise the Aussie church for global mission.
* the flyers and programmes, still at the printers. will have good coverage for the arrival of the world’s oldest passenger-carrying-ship to Brisbane.
* good times of rest for the team as they cope with an increasing volume of work.
* wisdom & ability to the line up team as they organise everything preparing for the ships' visit!
* the 330 strong Doulos crew. It is a six-day voyage from Wellington to Brisbane and then will have to go through immigration and quarantine here.
* Pray for good relationships to be formed with individuals and churches in Brisbane through teams going out and people visiting the ship. Of course, the normal jobs done on board every day need to continue. There's always work to do in the kitchen, dining room, laundry, book exhibition, engine room, information desk, security & safety watches, program dept etc. If you would like to get to know a crew member better you can register for the Adopt-a-Douloid program.
* empower & enable the volunteers helping with various aspects of the ships' visit to be a blessing to many!
There may be opportunities to take someone out for the day or even overnight. Some crew members will have a longer break and are looking for suitable places to be able to get away. For example, a message has come that two Indian male crew members would like onshore accommodation from 30 July to 1 August. If you, or your church,
want to be involved in any of these ways email Ian & Ruth Crowe at

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