Monday, April 09, 2007

praise & pray for those @ Good Friday Passover meal Minky, ,Alice, Aliga, Tom, Anastasia, Vicky, Sonia, Nancy, Harold, Alisha, Harry, Eriko, Annie,

- had a 'Passover meal' @ a Teachers' home on Good Friday. God brought these precious souls to join us in remembering God's awesome deliverance of His people through The Passover Lamb whose blood was shed for our salvation!

:D God's wrath has 'passed over' us & we can now LIVE . . .!!
:D sparing us from His fierce, Holy & just wrath!


* reveal Himself to those who have yet to know Him & seek refuge under the cover of His blood shed for them..

* draw precious lost souls to seek refuge under His blood before it’s too late!
* in drawing them to Himself, they'd be used to draw other lost souls to seek refuge under His blood before it’s too late too!

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