Monday, October 22, 2007

pray for catholics!

brothers & sisters, please DO NOT be deceived about catholics!! "it's a huge organised idolatry" see this article by John MacArthur:

:D His grace lavished on us by leading us intro truth & not into gross deception like so many catholics! [i.e. but for His grace, we too would be caught up in deception!]

* Jesus would manifest His preeminence over the
catholic deception!
* bind the deception that has captured so many hearts & minds, set the captives free to know Christ for who He really is & find full salvation through faith in Him alone!
* reveal Christ as The ONLY source of salvation to every precious soul caught up in the catholic deception, that they might find forgiveness & repentance from trusting in good works to prepare them for His Judgment Day!
* cause those in the "catholic church" to flee to Jesus, The ONLY Saviour before it's too late!!

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