Josh. 5:13-15 |
"Joshua went up to the man and asked, 'Are you for us or for our enemies?' 'Neither,' he replied, 'but as commander of the army of the Lord have I come'"
This passage is very instructive. God is not "for" one people or "against" another. He is only "for" His purposes among all the peoples of the earth. The story is told of a lady who asked American President Lincoln during the Civil War, "Do you think God is on your side?" The great president wisely answered, "The question is not if God is on my side, but if I am on God's side."
Father, forgive us for our habitual self-centeredness. Help us to see the peoples and nations of the earth from Your perspective - as peoples who desperately need to hear and to receive the gospel.
source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!
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