Friday, June 15, 2007

praise & pray for me

:D weaning me off the attractions & stuff of this world that's all going to fade away!
:D giving me a hunger for all things eternal!
:D keeping me from wasting anymore precious time, energy & money on stuff that's ETERNALLY USELESS!
:D constantly reminding me of my secure status as His child!
:D always sending me just the right thing I need at just the right time!
[latest being a great article by John Piper:
"Single in Christ: A Name Better Than Sons and Daughters"
:D the family of God grows not by propagation through sexual intercourse, but by regeneration through faith in Christ;1
:D relationships in Christ are more permanent, and more precious, than relationships in families; :D marriage is temporary, and finally gives way to the relationship to which it was pointing all along: Christ and the church—the way a picture is no longer needed when you see face to face;
faithfulness to Christ defines the value of life; all other relationships get their final significance from this. No family relationship is ultimate; relationship to Christ is.

* daily increase Christ & decrease self in & through me!
* give me greater love for Christ: crucified, Risen & Ascended as King of kings & Lord of lords!
* help me live a Cross-Centred life, defining all value in Life in relation to Him!
* all I think, say & do would make Jesus look Great, 'cos He is The Greatest!!!
*keep me childlike before Him in dependence & obedience!

* keep me wholeheartedly, passionately devoted to all that's ultimately of eternal significance & keep me from wasting anymore precious time, energy & money on stuff that's ETERNALLY USELESS!
To him be glory in the Christ-exalting drama of marriage and the Christ-exalting drama of the single life, Amen!!

Is there anything I can praise with/pray for you?
please EMAIL ME anything~!
in case you can't figure it out,
HaHaikHa stands for "He's able, He's able, i know He's able"


Anonymous said...

I want more of a relationship with Christ, a deeper relationship with Christ. One that allows me to forsake the things of this world. That deeper relationship with Him is coming ...slowly and assuredly. He opens my eyes every day to the things that He wants me to change. He is changing me through love and through friendships. I also want more relationships in Christ. Ones I can depend on like I can depend on Him. I want to be dependable for God. I want to be someone He can rely on to do the right thing ... for Him and for others in the body of Christ! SallyAnne

Anonymous said...

I want more of a relationship with Christ, a deeper relationship with Christ. One that allows me to forsake the things of this world. That deeper relationship with Him is coming ...slowly and assuredly. He opens my eyes every day to the things that He wants me to change. He is changing me through love and through friendships. I also want more relationships in Christ. Ones I can depend on like I can depend on Him. I want to be dependable for God. I want to be someone He can rely on to do the right thing ... for Him and for others in the body of Christ! SallyAnne

Friday, June 15, 2007 3:49:00 PM