Sunday, June 03, 2007

praise & pray for Tua (TNG)

- met at train station today, got straight into Jesus-talk via the 'are you a good person comic tract' (to order for yourself go to
which continued all the way into the city~!
-- he says he's a Christian but church hops, swears & uncertain about his eternal salvation.
:D the 'easy way' to swing conversations from the superficial into the spiritual realm by way of creative gospel tracts (best I've found all at:

* Holy Spirit work in Tua''s heart to convict him of the urgency with which he needs to deal with issues of his eternal salvation~!
* keep sending Divinely Appointed 'agents' across Tua's path wherever he goes that his lost soul be found & rescued, standing upon the solid rock of Christ & Christ alone!
* make Tua a missionary to declare the praises of Him who called him out of darkness into HIs glorious light!

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