[note: would've loved to take photos of these two precious souls, who knows, you just might see their faces worshipping with us before the throne because you prayed! though you can't see the faces of the souls you're praying for, pray in faith that Papa will call them by name & rescue him as the Good Shepherd He is!]
- am truly convinced that when someone says "I'm a Christian" most of the time they're not! (well, according to the biblical definition they aren't!) -
take this test to see if you really are! www.intout.com
++ listen to this~! www.australia4jesus.com/downloads/testurself.mp3 ++
[Acts 11:26, and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. Luke 14:33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.
== anyone with better verses from the bible to "define' a Christian, please post on comments~! ==
Ray (INDN)- met on train, he claimed to be from a "Christian" family
so I asked him "if you died tonight & stood before God outside heaven & He asked you "Ray, why should I let you in?" -- he answered "I'm a good person" :|
so naturally took him through WDJD [see www.livingwaters.com/wdjd.shtml]
& gave him an "are you a good person" tract [see http://wayofthemaster.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=27_34&products_id=141]
. . . didn't get to the 'Good News' bit about Jesus & what He did to save us from God's wrath before my train stop but trust His Holy Spirit to work through His law ;)
:D giving us His law to convict of sin & lead sinners to The Saviour~!
* work by His Spirit to seek & save lost souls in multiplied BILLIONS like Ray!
Nick (PHIL) - also a "professed christian" met on the bus home, sake him the same Qn I asked Nick & his answer was "I'm not even sure there is a heaven" . . . how odd . . .VERY ODD! :S
took him through WDJD, after having his own conscience convict him of guilt - being a lying, theiving, adulterer at heart, & wouldn't be punished despite his guilt before a perfect, righteous & Holy God,
. . . he thought he kept the "2 Greatest Commandments" (Matt 22:36-40 - despite admiting to breaking 3 of God's 10 commnments summed yp in the 2Greatest Commandments!) & that he was OK, & that the God i believed in was bloodthirsty to condemn mortals to eternity in hell & that he preferred to emphasise "the love of God" . . . . :S didnt get to tell him he was then breaking the 2nd commandment & creating a god he was comfortable with . . .
:D The King of The Universe will certainly do justice, punishing all liars, adulterers, & idolaters! (1Corinthians 6:9-10 Revelation 21:8)
:D that was exactly what we once were, but Titus 2:14 is true! "He gave himself for us to set us free from every wrong and to cleanse us so that we could be his special people who are enthusiastic about good works. "
* reveal Himself for who He really is to Nick - give him a vision of the cross where God's fury, hatred & love were all mingled together in perfect expression!
* work by His Spirit to seek & save lost souls in multiplied BILLIONS like Nick!
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