Tuesday, May 08, 2007

praise & pray for FREEDOM IN CHRIST~!

:D Jesus has already done everything needed for our freedom 2000 years ago when He lived, died & rose again for God!
:D it's not what I do that sets me free but it's what Christ has already done & trusting in Him!
:D i'm dead because Jesus died -- therefore I'm victorious over sin, death & the devil!!
:D I AM ALIVE because HE IS ALIVE TOO -- no longer striving to be victorious, but simply celebrating the REALITY of victory in Christ!
:D the brother who lent me this book to read "finding freedom in a sex-obsessed world"
:D I don't have to sin -- got no reason at all to serve my old master anymore because I have a new master who's bought me TOTAL FREEDOM!!
:D I need not live according to how I feel but according to what is true!

* help me keep taking steps to freedom in Christ: believing the truth, claiming it as true for me & staking my life upon it!
* I stop trying to attain the freedom & victory I've longed for all these years & simply rest & celebrate the freedom & victory that's ALREADY MINE IN JESUS~!
* keep me believing the truth of who I am in Jesus Christ & never exchanging the truth of God for a lie~!
* I'd keep choosing to believe that which is true, even when my feelings tell me otherwise!

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