Tuesday, May 01, 2007

praise & pray for gospel tracts~!

:D the opportunity every time I catch public transport/order something/make a deposit in the bank to express my appreciation to the drivers/waiter/bank teller with a gospel tract! [those pictured are 2 I most frequently give away)

:D the many eternities that've been impacted through bits of paper with God's Word printed on it!

* more eternities will be impacted as gospel tracts go out all over the world - may Papa keep using the "foolish & weak" things to shame the "wise & strong"
* as lost souls are saved through gospel tracts, they in turn would go on to bless others with salvation too~!
* prepare every soul who has/is/will receive a gospel tract to read it at a time when the soil of their hearts are just right to receive a gospel seed/have it watered/brought to harvest!

* Kieren (passenger who sat next to me on bus today, got to go through the bIG $100 tract with him. he desperately needs revelation of the seriousness of eternity because he's way too apathetic about it!
* Valerie the bank teller, Lauren the KFC trainee counter staff, Debra the Hungry Jacks counter staff I gave a 'God loves you & has a wonderful plan for your life' tract to!
* busdrivers & cleaners I give the BIG $100 note to
THE BEST THING about catching multiple buses home: not only do I get greater value out of my ticket but more people contact for evangelism & tracting!
* intercede for those who reject the tracts - may Christ reveal Himself to them & call them out of darkness into His glorious light to declare His praises through other means/people!

to order the 'God loves you & has a wonderful plan for your life' tract go to: http://wayofthemaster.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=150

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