Thursday, August 02, 2007

praise & pray for Daniel! (KOR)

- met for lunch, prayed for opportunity to share Jesus with him that the time spent might IMPACT ETERNITY!... after lunch I helped him buy a ticket to Gatton, in the process of which he brought up a question about being born again. YAY JESUS!!

:D He can turn an ordinary lunch appointment into an extraordinary eternity-impacting moment if you let Him!

:D the gospel of Jesus Christ is really GOOD NEWS !! --for sharing!!!
why oh why oh WHY do we keep it to ourselves?!

:D getting to share the gospel with him!
[used wdjd, seems to be the easiest & simplest way for almost anyone!
:D helping me share the gospel clearly, biblically with Dan & helping him understand!
:D granting him the grace to turn from his sins, turn to God & trust Jesus!

* bring him to a good church in Gatton where he'll grow & fulfill God's purpose to
increase Christ & decease self!
* arrange a Divine Appointment with Dan & an older brother in Jesus so he might walk in Jesus' footsteps!
have mercy on Dan's friend's, use his testimony to bring them to repentance & faith in Jesus!
Dan's remaining time here would grow him in the steps of Christ so he be sent back home as a missionary to his people & beyond!
* provide accommodation for him in a non-Korean speaking house .. [he's here to learn English.. currently staying in a sharehouse full of Koreans!]
provide a job for him that'll draw Dan closer to Jesus!

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