Wednesday, January 19, 2011

pray for Ben, Louie & Ben (ABC)

*phew* .. since the massive challenges from the BLT  conference - i confess i've been failing most horridly when it comes to proactively sharing the only cure for death .. the depths of my passive hatred for the lost souls of humanity runs terribly deep >.<

. .. and still Father's longsuffering love with this callous, unloving child of HIs perseveres with me!!

.. hopped on a free bus
[one +ive from these floods in Brisbane = free public transport for a week!]
to get cashout bonuses (for frontline missions work in the 10/40 window) at the nearest shopping centre . . . felt a compulsion to speak to someone - anyone - of The Good News of Jesus & call them to repent!

but, i confess i gave into my lazy, unloving flesh & sat there quietly on a bus where if we were to all die in a crash, perhaps the majority would go to an eternity of suffering for their unforgiven sins in hell :"(

"Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it.

But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it"
Matthew 7:13-14 [GNB]

... dumbfounds me!!! >.<
on the bus trip home, i sat down, looked around & was about to repeat my passive hatred of others on the bus again when couldn't stand it any longer .. so i got up & sat next to an asian-looking guy [Ben]
-- yes, i'm forever taking the easy option aren't i :S
conversation seemed to be getting nowhere, so i pulled out a gospel tract.
wrong move.
he seemed to be very anti-religious, denying Jesus & His truthfulness.
i could've lost my cool & argued ... :O thank God i didn't!
on reflection, i should've shared my story of His miraculous healing of me from my brain injury .. but he possibly could've been a hardened soul in darkness, set against the knowledge of The Truth & Light.
..then again, maybe he just hadn't had a clear presentation of the gospel?!
in any case, pray for mercy on Ben's soul -- to be tured from darkness to light, to broadcast how awesome & excellent is Jesus Christ, who he once despised!
i think i really need to stop being lazy  in evangelism by over-reliance on gospel tracts to
'do my job for me'.
*need* to get back into sharing The Good Nrews & calling sinners to repentance!

then Ben & Louie got on the bus .. two young impressionable guys.

... i don't know why i waited up until just before my stop before i approached them :"( do pray for  me, for His love to melt my cold, cold heart, to more urgently call sinners to repentance!


.. i passed them each a gospel tract, they seemed thankful. [polite?]
briefly exchanged names.
may Father save Ben & Louie, bringing them to true conversion, and also their whole families .. and friends!!
WHY that doesn't compel me, i who's been shown such ~EXTRAVAGANTLY ABUNDANT LOVE~ ... why i hold it to myself,

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