Sunday, February 07, 2010

praise & pray for Darra family ~ ^___^

WOOHOO!! just back from visiting a most Awesome [SPIRITUAL] family gathering where i could really sense Father's love & glory among His people. Sunday Nights 6pm in Darra - lemme know if u'd like tojoin~![corner of Gordon Ave &  Livingstone Rd] --  
feeling on SUCH a high now i don't wanna sleep & can't wait 2 meet with them next
- no better place to be than somewhere you BELONG, ARE LOVED & ACCEPTED FOR WHO YOU ARE!! ^__^
this could be the answer to my prayers - it certainly has been for many others who've gone!

they're not your typical  clean / 'nice middle-classed holy huddle' they really reach out to the lost & hurting in their community - he homeless, drug addicts, alcoholics etc .. those that this world has rejected but The Saviour thrusts us out to ! see Luke 14:12-24!!! 
yay gonna join their prayer night Tues @ 7pm .. maybe their AV [Alcoholics Victorious] Thurs @7? ..

may Father work revival in & through His children~!!

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