Sunday, March 29, 2009

i'm 27 years closer to heaven .. 27 years GREATLY LOVED~!

woohoo! yet another day to celebrate yet another year of this journey Home, gradually, (with plenty of stumbling falls on the way!) i'm learning to live loved.
i don't know why it's taking so long to sink into the depths of my heart (such that the reality is truly reflected in the way i think & live!) that i am truly, deeply, lavishly, unconditionally loved!!
i still struggle with living less loved in much of my behavior & thought patterns . . . oh well, as Father gently picked me up after i dived into sin yet again tonight, there's no reason at all to waste another nanosecond living less loved, but every reason to LIVE *fully* loved by Father~!

thank you so much for all the various expressions of Fathers' love you've channeled into my life that helps me along in this uphill journey Home :)
for simply being in my life, for any & every small or big thing you do with me / for me, for every prayer, every conversation, all the good times, the fun times, & the bad times we've shared . . . i'm truly grateful & thank God for bringing you into my life :)
please do forgive me if i've failed to recognise / respond to / be grateful for any expression of Fathers' love you've poured into my life.
i'm only just beginning to realise how slow i've been to realise how blind i've been to love for so much of my life :{
please do pray for me, and be patient with me - i've lways been a sloo-oow learner!
my hearts' desire is to die to self, to be emptied of this good-intentioned, religiously-driven", rotting thinking & living, & to live relationally, fully filled with Him, fully loved by Him, choosing His way over my own, doing whatever He asks, no matter what the cost!
~thanks ;)~

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