Sunday, June 04, 2006

nother prayer request re: mandarin M.E.R. – Marriage Enrichment Retreat THIS WEEKEND

le's rejoice in that & make manifest His victory over ALL THE EARTH =)

:D bringing 16 couples in – GOD WORKS WHEN WE PRAY~!!
:D all the marriages IMPROVED, HEALED & RESTORED through these Marriage Enrichment retreats!
* a particular wife is VERY hesitant to go but NEEDS to go. threatening to pull out :|
Ask Almighty Papa to change her heart & not try to pull any stunts on the day it begins/while there!!
* keep all 16 of those who’ve registered AVAILABLE to go & not let anything come in the way!
* Christ would be the victor over satan in many marriages where love has grown cold/a thing of the past!
* save other lost spouses through these retreats & so making more marriages reflecting His glory!
* as marriages & families grow in His plans & purposes, His fame would spread THROUGH ALL THE EARTH!

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