Monday, June 12, 2006

:D His faithfulness to His promises
:D He�s working in me you, through & in spite of my sin!
* help me live a life that makes MUCH OF JESUS ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE, IN ALL WAYS TO EVERYONE! !!
* daily break me & burn away ALL desires that�re of me & not of Him!
* help me walk in daily repentance, BENDING me to His purpose & letting Him have His way in me COMPLETELY!
* help me think only what He wants me to think, feel only what He me to feel, see only what He me to see, & say only He wants me to say!
* help me learn to seek His will, praying with unwavering faith
* help me listen for & hear the Spirit clearly & OBEY!
* hear & answer the above so my life is lived to MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!

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