I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to him. – Charles Spurgeon [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx1Yhmz8ZRc] May these posts & names be a sneak-preview to people you’ll see IN HEAVEN WORSHIPPING THE LAMB! **
Monday, June 26, 2006
praise & pray 4 me
:D life�s NEVER BORING when walking closely with the King!
:D persevering with surprising me by His grace!
* help me to ALWAYS ALWAYS, ALWAYS REMEMBER: I cannot, therefore I will not, so TRUST HIM to do in & through me what I cannot do myself!
* I would decrease & let Christ INCREASE in me! (John 3:30)
* help me BELIEVE what seems �too good to be true� but IS UTTERLY TRUE!
* help me to BELIEVE He loves me. FULL STOP! (�cos I�m so bad at coming up with why I think I�m unloveable)
* give me STRONGER desires to be satisfied IN CHRIST ALONE!
* DESTROY/ANNIHILATE/OBLITERATE any & ALL desires in me to be satisfied by any lesser �pleasures� in the world!
* guidance: re: go to impact winter outreach to muslims on Gold Coast in Aug or not :| Ever thank-FULL for you & pray our partnership in the Gospel will continue to be blessed as He uses us ALL to accomplish His purposes!!
Enjoy more awesome lyrics ;)
All for the life of me Album: Women of Faith
Maybe Sunday after a few million years, We have some moments alone.
We can sit for awhile & You can make clear all the things I�ve never known.
There are plenty of questions but so little time
The one thing I can�t seem to get off my mind:
For the life of me
I can�t understand why You love me like You do.
For the life of me I can�t comprehend why I mean too much to You.
But maybe some day in forever the answer will be clear �n I�ll see.
You did what You did all for the life of me!
How could Your love that is perfectly pure, reach someone so far from grace?
And how could the stains of the choices I�ve made be forgiven and erased?
But love has no boundaries, and grace only sees the person that You always knew I could be!
But maybe some day in forever the answer will be clear �n I�ll see.
You did what You did all for the life of me!
You did what You did all for the life of me! all for the life of me!
praise & pray 4 Manjula’s dad] (IND)
– Hospitalised, sickness
:D He’s the MASTER-REVERSER- turning sickness into life, temporary losses into eternal gains, tragedies into triumphs!
* use his sickness to break his faith in the dead gods of Hinduism & bring him to Living faith in The True Living God!
* give Manjula many Divinely-appointed opportunities & words to bring her family to SALVATION!
:D He’s the MASTER-REVERSER- turning sickness into life, temporary losses into eternal gains, tragedies into triumphs!
* use his sickness to break his faith in the dead gods of Hinduism & bring him to Living faith in The True Living God!
* give Manjula many Divinely-appointed opportunities & words to bring her family to SALVATION!
praise & pray 4 Rich (TAI)
:D the Divinely-appointed meeting with him last Friday
* work through his dilemma with accommodation + improving English in such a way as to bring Rich to know the TRUE RICHES + know & understand something of the love of the Father for him & his wife!
* work through his dilemma with accommodation + improving English in such a way as to bring Rich to know the TRUE RICHES + know & understand something of the love of the Father for him & his wife!
praise & pray 4 basic life principles seminar (tonight-next Mon)
(see www.iblp.org)
His Word teaches us HOW TO LIVE!
such abundant access to bible teaching!
* help all who go to OBEY what they learn!
* those who go would not only be concerned with how to live but how to DIE THAT OTHERS MIGHT LIVE!
His Word teaches us HOW TO LIVE!
such abundant access to bible teaching!
* help all who go to OBEY what they learn!
* those who go would not only be concerned with how to live but how to DIE THAT OTHERS MIGHT LIVE!
praise & pray 4YF camp (this Fri-Mon!)
:D the privelege of being able to take a wekend to be away with God, His Word & His people
:D bringing Bill Colyer (speaker) & leaders to camp
* Use the camp to bring the lost souls into our family!
* lives be TRANSFORMED as they meet with God, His Word & His people!
* Lost souls will feel comfortable & able to talk to Christians there and learn of God's grace and mercy to them!
:D bringing Bill Colyer (speaker) & leaders to camp
* Use the camp to bring the lost souls into our family!
* lives be TRANSFORMED as they meet with God, His Word & His people!
* Lost souls will feel comfortable & able to talk to Christians there and learn of God's grace and mercy to them!
praise & pray 4 Duke (KOR)
“I wanna quit smoking but can’t”
:D Christ still sets the captive free!
* help Duke meet people & circumstances that’d set his captive soul to sin FREE!
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in his soul!
:D Christ still sets the captive free!
* help Duke meet people & circumstances that’d set his captive soul to sin FREE!
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in his soul!
praise & pray 4 Yoshi, Hans, Jessica, Nari, Clare (JAP, KOR, TAI)
- the group Papa gave me on Tuesday! Discussed ‘Determination’
:D bringing them here :)
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in their souls!
* perform a mighty miracle in their lives so they’d come to drink deep of His REAL, SATISFYING LOVE!
:D bringing them here :)
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in their souls!
* perform a mighty miracle in their lives so they’d come to drink deep of His REAL, SATISFYING LOVE!
praise & pray 4 Alice (AUS)
� bringing her back safely from her trip up north to serve the people of Normanton
� He�s saving souls from all tongues, tribes, places and backgrounds
� the work He's doing in the locals up there
* continued blessings on the local Christians in Normanton and through them, shine out to the community
* use the week to fire up the hearts of the students & equip them to LIVE the Gospel.
* give Alice good rest & health in her busy-ness.
* she�ll keep growing in my relationship with God, loving Him with ALL her heart, soul, strength & mind.
praise & pray 4 Kane (KOR)
�How can I have my sins forgiven?� (you just KNOW when someone asks a Qn like that He�s doing SOMETHING in their life!!
� -- I�m excited about this guy!! Celebrated his birthday on Thursday with sushi, wedges & bad drinks ;P
� he�s a potential brother!
* help him find forgiveness IN CHRIST through God�s Word I gavePapa brings into his life during his time here!
praise & pray 4 Jen (KOR)
�I believe in Jesus, but have doubts�
� He�s the God who dispels all doubts!
� He�s REAL & TRUE!
* work wonders in her life to grow her faith & root her in His REALITY!
praise & pray 4 Na Young (KOR) - her name means �Golden Sunflower� in Korean ;) - gone home
I told her the next time we see each other (if not in this life) will be in heaven along with OTHERS God saved through her!!
� she�s our sister!
� bringing salvation to re parents too~!
* as she helps out with her parents� business, Papa would be richly glorified as the all-satisfying fount of delights He is!
* use their business as an avenue to SPREAD HIS AMAZING LOVE!
Monday, June 19, 2006
:D VICTORY is ALREADY mine in Christ!
:D DISabling me so He can ENABLE me!
:D helping me appreciate & understand more of my disability through the awareness research group!
:D giving me a RICHER, FULLER life now I�m disabled than when I was �able�!
:D not being able to drive!
* help me SEE DIFFERENTLY!! (go here: www.theschoolofchrist.org/audio/seeing.mp3) <-- you can download & listen offline ;)- YOU�LL BE GLAD YOU DID!
* please OPEN my eyes so I can SEE HIM!
* help me do all I need to do --HAVE MY EYES OPEN TO SEE CHRIST IN ME!
* help me DAILY die to self, CARRYING MY CROSS & FOLLOWING Jesus!
* help me STOP looking at what�s around me & get/feel defeated/depressed, but simply LOOK WITHIN ME to see the Victorious One WHO LIVES IN ME!
* help me obey the repeated command throughout His Word to �FEAR NOT!�
* give me greater Personal indebtedness & Wholehearted commitment to the gospel!
* help me STOP thinking I can read minds/tell fortunes :|
* my lost flannel long-sleeve shirt with gospel tracts in it!
* wisdom and protection as I enter into spiritual battle fields everyday!
) [L-R:Anne, Gines, Felipe, Fumi, Rio, Katie, Yufi] (FRA, MSA, BRZ, JAP, KOR, HK)
:D Peter & Michelle who run a dinner + discussion group on Tuesday nights for internationals who visit their church but don�t understand it all!
*Powerfully use these dinners + discussions to draw many to
repentance & faith in Jesus!
[L-R: Stacey, Jessica, Yoshi, Yuko, Michelle, Brian] (KOR, TAI)
- the group Papa gave me on Tuesday! Discussed �Teamwork�
:D bringing them here :)
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in their souls!
* perform a mighty miracle in their lives so it�s
No longer their �I� who lives but CHRIST WHO LIVES IN THEM!
praise & pray 4 Jason (KOR)
�I don�t believe in God, I believe in myself� N
* break down Jason�s proud heart & turn him into a WORSHIPPER OF JESUS! [MiJong] (KOR)
�I�m not going to heaven�
:D through Christ HEAVEN�S GATES ARE OPEN!
* send sower�s, waters & harvesters along MiJong�s path to usher her into heaven that she might usher others into heaven too!
praise & pray 4 Nari <2nd left>& Beta
* work through His Word in the gospel tract to bring LIFE to his dead soul! [Nari]
- 11 days fresh in Oz!
:D bringing her here!
* bring many of His TRUE children into Nari�s life to help her with English & impart His life into her!
[Awareness research group
L-R: Kris, Narina, Brooke, Wayne, me, Denice, Kayhan (AUS, SD AR)
[Narina & Brooke= psychologists
- the group Papa brought me to to understand more about life after a Brain Injury ?
:D life in a land that bothers about disabled & brain-injured people! �
* the Lord who let them have a second chance at life would reveal Himself personally to each of them that they too might have LIFE IN CHRIST!
praise & pray 4 [Don] (AUS)
- believes in Jesus as Saviour but won’t bother telling anyone =(
* perform a mighty miracle in Don’s life so it’s No longer their ‘Don’ who lives but CHRIST WHO LIVES IN HIM!
* perform a mighty miracle in Don’s life so it’s No longer their ‘Don’ who lives but CHRIST WHO LIVES IN HIM!
Monday, June 12, 2006
dear fellow blogging brothers &sisters,
I can't believe it =)
ppl have ACTUALLY been visiting my humble site
=AND= leavin' coments~!!
it's a BIGBIGBIG= encourgement to me 8-D
thank you SOO MUCH for all who have~! =)
really made my day ;D
if you do leave a comment, would you be so kind as to leave your email address? would LOVE to correspond! :)
or if it's hidden somewhere in your comment post, let me know how I can discover it? ;P
.. still an amateur at this blogging thing ;)
or you can just mail me directly:
HaHaikHa@gmail.com or if you have MSN msnger: freshfungus@hotmail.com .. ADD ME! =D
thankful to be in THE BODY OF CHRIST --let US partner to bring MANY MORE lost souls into our family, so together we can all MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!
I can't believe it =)
ppl have ACTUALLY been visiting my humble site
=AND= leavin' coments~!!
it's a BIGBIGBIG= encourgement to me 8-D
thank you SOO MUCH for all who have~! =)
really made my day ;D
if you do leave a comment, would you be so kind as to leave your email address? would LOVE to correspond! :)
or if it's hidden somewhere in your comment post, let me know how I can discover it? ;P
.. still an amateur at this blogging thing ;)
or you can just mail me directly:
HaHaikHa@gmail.com or if you have MSN msnger: freshfungus@hotmail.com .. ADD ME! =D
thankful to be in THE BODY OF CHRIST --let US partner to bring MANY MORE lost souls into our family, so together we can all MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!
[L-R: me, Dick, Alex, Ho, Hun] (KOR)
:D the dinner I got to share with them ;)
:D Hun is genuinely seeking!
* as Hun seeks Him, Christ would be found by Hun as He said in Jer 33:13!
* as Hun finds Christ, he�d be used to help his sharemates
(Dick, Alex, Ho & Jini) find Christ too!!
praise & pray 4Pete (THA) -Buddhist-Christian (?) - going home soon
:D bringing him here J
* lead Pete to a local body of believers who he can MAKE MUCH OF JESUS together with!
(he mentioned closest church to him in Thailand was 3 hours away!)
* help Pete escape the lies of Buddhism & flee to The ONLY Way, The ONLY Truth & The ONLY Life!
* send MANY more labourers into the harvest fields of Thailand, revealing strategic insight about how He�s going to build His house there!
* Thailand would be land full of FREED people who live to MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
praise & pray 4 [Phil] (AUS)
– a “Christian” I met on the bus who believes he’s kept all the 10 commandments!
* he’d not be content thinking “I speak in tongues, therefore have the Holy Spirit & won’t go out of my way to share the gospel with sinners”
* the “Holy Spirit” Phil claims to live in him would awaken in Phil a BURNING PASSION to live to MAKE MUCH OF JESUS ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE, IN ALL WAYS TO EVERYONE!
* he’d not be content thinking “I speak in tongues, therefore have the Holy Spirit & won’t go out of my way to share the gospel with sinners”
* the “Holy Spirit” Phil claims to live in him would awaken in Phil a BURNING PASSION to live to MAKE MUCH OF JESUS ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE, IN ALL WAYS TO EVERYONE!
praise & pray 4 [M*] + [Craig*] (AUS
[M*] - muslim girl shared $1,000,000 with.
How heartbreaking to think over 1 BILLION muslims
struggle & search for assurance of salvation apart
from Isa-al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah)
* keep graciously revealing Himself to muslims that
they too, might know FULL assurance of salvation
[Craig*] (AUS) - met @ bus stop ;)
“just live as good as you can, you’ll be OK”
* use his fear of death to bring him to the Only saviour from death & so turn his life into one that
How heartbreaking to think over 1 BILLION muslims
struggle & search for assurance of salvation apart
from Isa-al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah)
* keep graciously revealing Himself to muslims that
they too, might know FULL assurance of salvation
[Craig*] (AUS) - met @ bus stop ;)
“just live as good as you can, you’ll be OK”
* use his fear of death to bring him to the Only saviour from death & so turn his life into one that
:D His faithfulness to His promises
:D He�s working in me you, through & in spite of my sin!
* help me live a life that makes MUCH OF JESUS ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE, IN ALL WAYS TO EVERYONE! !!
* daily break me & burn away ALL desires that�re of me & not of Him!
* help me walk in daily repentance, BENDING me to His purpose & letting Him have His way in me COMPLETELY!
* help me think only what He wants me to think, feel only what He me to feel, see only what He me to see, & say only He wants me to say!
* help me learn to seek His will, praying with unwavering faith
* help me listen for & hear the Spirit clearly & OBEY!
* hear & answer the above so my life is lived to MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!
prause & pray 4 Alan, Loraine & me] (AUS) - met on bus!
�we�re Christians, but we�re not evangelistic�
- does anyone else find that VERY DISTURBING??!!
* shake them out of their comfort thinking they can leave the job of sharing the gospel to someone else :{
* the Holy Spirit would awaken in Alan & Loraine a BURNING PASSION to live to MAKE MUCH OF JESUS ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE, IN ALL WAYS TO EVERYONE!
praise & pray 4 [M*] + [Craig*] (AUS
[M*] - muslim girl shared $1,000,000 with.
How heartbreaking to think over 1 BILLION muslims
struggle & search for assurance of salvation apart
from Isa-al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah)
* keep graciously revealing Himself to muslims that
they too, might know FULL assurance of salvation
[Craig*] (AUS) - met @ bus stop ;)
“just live as good as you can, you’ll be OK”
* use his fear of death to bring him to the Only saviour from death & so turn his life into one that
How heartbreaking to think over 1 BILLION muslims
struggle & search for assurance of salvation apart
from Isa-al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah)
* keep graciously revealing Himself to muslims that
they too, might know FULL assurance of salvation
[Craig*] (AUS) - met @ bus stop ;)
“just live as good as you can, you’ll be OK”
* use his fear of death to bring him to the Only saviour from death & so turn his life into one that
[M.E.R.] (Marriage Enrichment Retreat)
-final day today!
:D marriage is HIS idea & HIS gif to us!
* help every couple APPLY all they learnt!
* use things like the M.E.R. to shape more marriage relationships into ones that MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
[Kairos course] (see www.kairoscourse.org)
:D there’s MANY courses about to start up !! (Why not join one if you’ve not done I already?! :)
see website for details
* use every resource like the Kairos course to move the Body of Christ to hunger & be ALL-CONSUMED BY PASSION for God’s glory to spread ALL OVER THE EARTH!! That all may MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
-final day today!
:D marriage is HIS idea & HIS gif to us!
* help every couple APPLY all they learnt!
* use things like the M.E.R. to shape more marriage relationships into ones that MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
[Kairos course] (see www.kairoscourse.org)
:D there’s MANY courses about to start up !! (Why not join one if you’ve not done I already?! :)
see website for details
* use every resource like the Kairos course to move the Body of Christ to hunger & be ALL-CONSUMED BY PASSION for God’s glory to spread ALL OVER THE EARTH!! That all may MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
[M.E.R.] (Marriage Enrichment Retreat)
-final day today!
:D marriage is HIS idea & HIS gif to us!
* help every couple APPLY all they learnt!
* use things like the M.E.R. to shape more marriage relationships into ones that MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
[Kairos course] (see www.kairoscourse.org)
:D there’s MANY courses about to start up !! (Why not join one if you’ve not done I already?! :)
see website for details
* use every resource like the Kairos course to move the Body of Christ to hunger & be ALL-CONSUMED BY PASSION for God’s glory to spread ALL OVER THE EARTH!! That all may MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
-final day today!
:D marriage is HIS idea & HIS gif to us!
* help every couple APPLY all they learnt!
* use things like the M.E.R. to shape more marriage relationships into ones that MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
[Kairos course] (see www.kairoscourse.org)
:D there’s MANY courses about to start up !! (Why not join one if you’ve not done I already?! :)
see website for details
* use every resource like the Kairos course to move the Body of Christ to hunger & be ALL-CONSUMED BY PASSION for God’s glory to spread ALL OVER THE EARTH!! That all may MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
[Christine] (AUS)
– another “not-religious” soul
* pray as above!
[Isaac] (HK)
– non religious
:D bringing him here ;)
* work thru the atheist test tract (se http://wayofthemaster.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=97)
I gave him to shake his beliefs with
NO foundation & draw Isaac to be
a true son of Abraham by faith!
– another “not-religious” soul
* pray as above!
[Isaac] (HK)
– non religious
:D bringing him here ;)
* work thru the atheist test tract (se http://wayofthemaster.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=97)
I gave him to shake his beliefs with
NO foundation & draw Isaac to be
a true son of Abraham by faith!
- Unfortunately all-too-many confuse ‘gospel’ with “religion”
:D He loves every “non-religious” soul MORE than they’d care to know!
* forgive us for turning our relationship with Him into a “religion” & portraying it as such to a dying world!
* reveal to every self-proclaimed “non-religious” soul the REAL Jesus & woo them to Himself that they’d MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
:D He loves every “non-religious” soul MORE than they’d care to know!
* forgive us for turning our relationship with Him into a “religion” & portraying it as such to a dying world!
* reveal to every self-proclaimed “non-religious” soul the REAL Jesus & woo them to Himself that they’d MAKE MUCH OF JESUS!!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
praise & pray 4 me
:D being �weak and foolish", far from DISqualifying me from service, QUALIFIES me!!
:D He�s working in me even when I can�t see it!
:D He�s not shy about showing Who He is!
* help me make the EASY choice that�s GOOD for me (rather than the dumb & harmful choice of choosing sin & curses over obedience & blessings!)
* send me a �mentor� who�ll guide & be a model for me in walking on this road to REALITY!
(see www.gfa.org/gfa/item?stock_code=B2
* keep bringing me closer to who He is & make me a true REFLECTOR of His image!
* give me GREATER desire to be more like Jesus until I lose myself in Him!
nother prayer request re: mandarin M.E.R. – Marriage Enrichment Retreat THIS WEEKEND
le's rejoice in that & make manifest His victory over ALL THE EARTH =)
:D bringing 16 couples in – GOD WORKS WHEN WE PRAY~!!
:D all the marriages IMPROVED, HEALED & RESTORED through these Marriage Enrichment retreats!
* a particular wife is VERY hesitant to go but NEEDS to go. threatening to pull out :|
Ask Almighty Papa to change her heart & not try to pull any stunts on the day it begins/while there!!
* keep all 16 of those who’ve registered AVAILABLE to go & not let anything come in the way!
* Christ would be the victor over satan in many marriages where love has grown cold/a thing of the past!
* save other lost spouses through these retreats & so making more marriages reflecting His glory!
* as marriages & families grow in His plans & purposes, His fame would spread THROUGH ALL THE EARTH!
le's rejoice in that & make manifest His victory over ALL THE EARTH =)
:D bringing 16 couples in – GOD WORKS WHEN WE PRAY~!!
:D all the marriages IMPROVED, HEALED & RESTORED through these Marriage Enrichment retreats!
* a particular wife is VERY hesitant to go but NEEDS to go. threatening to pull out :|
Ask Almighty Papa to change her heart & not try to pull any stunts on the day it begins/while there!!
* keep all 16 of those who’ve registered AVAILABLE to go & not let anything come in the way!
* Christ would be the victor over satan in many marriages where love has grown cold/a thing of the past!
* save other lost spouses through these retreats & so making more marriages reflecting His glory!
* as marriages & families grow in His plans & purposes, His fame would spread THROUGH ALL THE EARTH!
pray 4 [mandarin M.E.R. – Marriage Enrichment Retreat 10-12/6]
:D bringing 15 couples in – GOD WORKS WHEN WE PRAY~!!
:D all the marriages IMPROVED, HEALED & RESTORED through these Marriage Enrichment retreats!
* a couple wants to withdraw. Ask Almighty Papa to change their minds/circumstances!
* keep all those who’ve registered AVAILABLE to go & not let anything come in the way!
* Christ would be the victor over satan in many marriages where love has grown cold/a thing of the past!
* save other lost spouses through these retreats & so making more marriages reflecting His glory!
* as marriages & families grow in His plans & purposes, His fame would spread THROUGH ALL THE EARTH!
:D all the marriages IMPROVED, HEALED & RESTORED through these Marriage Enrichment retreats!
* a couple wants to withdraw. Ask Almighty Papa to change their minds/circumstances!
* keep all those who’ve registered AVAILABLE to go & not let anything come in the way!
* Christ would be the victor over satan in many marriages where love has grown cold/a thing of the past!
* save other lost spouses through these retreats & so making more marriages reflecting His glory!
* as marriages & families grow in His plans & purposes, His fame would spread THROUGH ALL THE EARTH!
Ever thank-FULL for you!!
=EXCITEDLY= expectant of all God will work through the prayers of His people!!
God knows we'll see some of these faces worshipping with us in glory because you prayed, God worjked hrough His servants &
may our partnership in the Gospel will continue to be blessed by God as He uses us ALL to accomplish His purposes!!
More great lyrics for you to chew over
Who You Are - 4Him
1. When I see the sun coming up in the sky
When I see the stars in the still of the night then I, I see who You are
When I feel the breath of the wind in my face
I rest in the warmth of a Father's embrace Then I, I feel You Are
And who You are is all I'll ever want to be!
Take my life, make what You will of me
'Cause You're constantly changing my heart
Leading me out of the dark, bringing me closer to who You are
2. I'm ready to run and I'm ready to dance, live every moment, leave nothing to chance
'Cause I, I know who You are
I consider the Cross and the price that You paid.
I know that You live 'Cause the stone's rolled away!
Oh I, I love who You are
'Cause You're constantly changing my heart
Leading me out of the dark
And You're bringing me closer to who You are
God knows we'll see some of these faces worshipping with us in glory because you prayed, God worjked hrough His servants &
may our partnership in the Gospel will continue to be blessed by God as He uses us ALL to accomplish His purposes!!
More great lyrics for you to chew over
Who You Are - 4Him
1. When I see the sun coming up in the sky
When I see the stars in the still of the night then I, I see who You are
When I feel the breath of the wind in my face
I rest in the warmth of a Father's embrace Then I, I feel You Are
And who You are is all I'll ever want to be!
Take my life, make what You will of me
'Cause You're constantly changing my heart
Leading me out of the dark, bringing me closer to who You are
2. I'm ready to run and I'm ready to dance, live every moment, leave nothing to chance
'Cause I, I know who You are
I consider the Cross and the price that You paid.
I know that You live 'Cause the stone's rolled away!
Oh I, I love who You are
'Cause You're constantly changing my heart
Leading me out of the dark
And You're bringing me closer to who You are
praise & pray 4 Mr & Mrs Ling
[Mr & Mrs Ling] (TAI) - met @ bus stop,
interesting *trying* to converse in what is, essentially my “heart language” (!!) – nominal (?) Buddhists, have been to church
:D :D bringing them here :)
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in their souls!
* use the gospel tract I gave them ($1,000,000) to draw them closer to Himself, making them want to be true REFLECTORS of His image! (they couldn’t understand it but said they’d get their children to explain it. May their household confess Christ as Saviour & lord!
interesting *trying* to converse in what is, essentially my “heart language” (!!) – nominal (?) Buddhists, have been to church
:D :D bringing them here :)
* Christ would be the Victor over satan in their souls!
* use the gospel tract I gave them ($1,000,000) to draw them closer to Himself, making them want to be true REFLECTORS of His image! (they couldn’t understand it but said they’d get their children to explain it. May their household confess Christ as Saviour & lord!
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