Sunday, May 08, 2011

rejoice with me & pray for me~!!

After a long-overdue 2-week break’ in Sydney, I’m back!

... and I got sick - down with a serious case of the flu..
(can't believe how many tissues/serviettes i've blown disghuating matter onto :S)
:D rejoice with me! :D

:D The weekend course with Ellel + Elijah House WAS AWESOME!!!

(how can words suffice to describe an encounter with Abba Yahweh??)

:D exposing the wounds + lies I’ve long held onto & believed that have kept my wounded spirit from being healed & made whole!

(e.g. ‘I’m a failure’, ‘something’s wrong with me’, ‘it’s always my fault’, ‘I’m always to blame’,

‘I’m unlovable’, ‘I must earn approval’,

‘relationships aren’t safe’)

:D Abba Yahweh only expects me to do my best, NOT to get everything 'perfect' on my own!

:D Abba Yahweh LOVES me for WHO I AM, NOT WHAT I DO/ FAIL TO DO!!!

:D i'm a human BEING, not a human doing!!

:D my worth & identity is NOT tied to my performance / income!

:D healing me from the flu sufficiently so i could attend the healing trauma seminar with Elijah House ministries 6-7/5

.. so much to tell & reflect on!!

If you want, ask me about …

+ God showing me my true identity!

+ my inspiring & encouraging chats with siblings in Jesus!

+ the item of creation + photo Abba Yahweh gave me & spoke to me through on the final day of the course …


* help me to fully 'process' everything with Abba Yahweh from the two courses!!

* teach me to wait patiently before Abba Yahweh in everything-- unless He's clearly answering, to stay in an internal position of waiting on Him while externally doing what He’s given me most peace to do.

* guide me re: taking a ‘sabbatical’ !!

* help me know and hear Abba Yahweh's voice and KNOW for myself what season I’m in to clearly discern what course of action will bring about the greatest and most eternal harvest in the LONG run!

* save me from the trap of trying to live as a dutiful slave rather than a beloved son!

* protect others I come in contact with so they won’t catch any of my flu!!


what a joy it is to be serving The wisest, Richest, Most Generous King of all kings!!! :D

please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!



love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D

The one concern of the devil

is to keep Christians from praying.

He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.

He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.

We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot -

- and start seeing it as the steering wheel!

-- S.D. Gordon <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!

For a free book that thousands of people have said has changed their lives,

click on this link- ..REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!

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