My dear precious siblings in Jesus:
May this song written by Albert Orsborn become the desire and prayer of our hearts:
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity;
Oh Spirit divine, all my nature refine -- Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.
A great tidbit from the book 'We Would See Jesus’ by Roy & Revel Hession:
When He finishes with His painting, we will see the expression of the Master Designer in a life fashioned after the likeness of Christ.
Trust Him with His masterpiece—let the beauty of Christ be seen in you.
. . . Rightly understood this is the best news we could have. God no longer expects us to be the vine. We need not even try. The responsibility for producing fruit is no longer ours. God has His own true Vine, the risen Lord Jesus, who is well able to produce all the fruit that God requires for others, and to fulfill all the purposes of His grace for men.
We do not produce the fruit, but simply bear what He produces, as we permit Him to live in us.
:D rejoice with me! :D
:D everyday i can wake up _expectant_ of what Father & I will do on this Great Adventure of the Journey of Life TOGETHER!!
:D arranging Life-Givers to come into my life when I need them & their wonderful help in this journey towards Him they are!
:D the blessing of being with Spirit-filled, Kingdom-living siblings in Jesus!
:D slowing down my life enough for me to simply focus on Him!!!
:D being on this exciting journey to healing with Abba Yahweh!! =)
:D His banner of grace - beautiful sky blue - that is over us in glory everyday!
:D His grace *qualifies* us to receive just when we think we're most DISqualified!!!
:D he sweet, freeing truth of Psalms 25:3!!
No one who waits for you will ever be put to shame, but all who are unfaithful will be put to shame.
* awaken in me the desires He’s placed in my heart that I’ve ignored/ suppressed!
* help me LIVE connected to Jesus as The Vine, and myself submitted to & content to just be a branch connected to Him, letting Him live His life in me & through me!
* show me what HE wants me to do with this life He’s given me!
* He’d deal with me and break me so that I’ll be willing to be available to Him as His branche!
- going on a ‘Journey to Manhood’ this Fri-Sun [3-5/6]
* I’ll be fully alert, open, receptive and surrendered to all He has to show & tell me here!
* lead me to all the right people & places to mature me into the man He designed me to be!help me separate out in my life what is true guilt, what is shame or self-condemnation.
what a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D
please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
my prayer blog, please visit, pray & leave a comment~!
love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D
The one concern of the devil
is to keep Christians from praying.
He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot - - and start seeing it as the steering wheel!
-- S.D. Gordon <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!
For a free book that thousands of people have said has changed their lives,
click on this link- ..REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!
thank God for the good catch up we had all day yesterday :D
please keep on praying with me for him to have a real, personal experience of The Resurrected Jesus that'll undo all the damage that's been done by baaad misrepresentations of Jesus by organised religion!! >.<
.. i trust Father to move as we, His children, pray!
some recent developments in my journey I'd value your prayers for me .. :)
* changing Sunday morning family worship location to Rochedale Baptists [had an ULTRA-AWESOME time there today --ask me more about it if u wanna know!!]
* to take up or not to? taking up the post of being the communications secretary of a network of missions agencies in Queendland.
.. i'm reminded by a dear bigger sister in Jesus that i need to know what HE wants me to do/ where to go rather than to be driven by 'need' & to merely do something i'm comfortable with / take up a role because "if i don't nobody else will" is not living by faith = SIN!
.. have lived for too long merely doing whatever seemed like a good idea at the time to me .. but HIS ways & thoughts are SO MUCH HIGHER than my own! ... O, how i NEED to seek HIM!
* taking a sabbatical (from ministry stuff to focus on properly working through with Abba Yahweh all He's doing in this season of our journey together .. .dealing with those issues He's pointing out that needs to be dealt with!
especially treasure prayers that He'd cause me to see & hear in the spirit a whole lot more clearly than i do!
please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too! :)
+ Jo came along to our English Conversation Class last Sunday & was quite impressed by meeting people who loved -- to meet the needs of others at their own expense, not for personal gain.
like many Taiwanese, she's non-religious [woohoo!]
* pray with me she'll be wooed into a relationship of Fathers' love!
+ i met Masaru at Conversation corner last Thursday ...he studied in a Christan university in Japan & mentioned he was interested to buy a bible. thank God for supplying me with plenty of cheap ones to give away! so i passed itto him today. he was so happy & thankful ^__^
* pray with me Christ will be revealed to him as he reads - may Jesus open the eyes of Masaru's heart to see His glory & be won into a relationship with Father!
+ Amy mentioned tonight she's "just beginning to follow Jesus" & asked about getting baptised!... she's going back to Korea soon ... (VERY EXCITING!! ... Abba Yahweh's obviously doing a work in her life ..
* pray with me Christ will work the miracle of True conversion in Amy, & daily grow her in the grace & experiential knowledge of The Saviour!!
+ Ian has been enjoying learning more about Jesus through all the free English classes he's eeen able to attend .. also enjoys a Tuesday Life Group / Bible Study . . . a Japanese brother gave him a Chinese-English bible!
* pray with me Christ will be revealed to Ian as he reads - may Jesus open the eyes of Ians' heart to see Jesus'glory & be won into a relationship with Father!
+ also met Venera [KZKSTN], Maggie, Lilian, Nora, Grace, [TW] Cindy, ?? [KOR]
pray with me Father would intervene in their time away from their home countries to bringthem back Home to His FEAST!
* over all these precious lost souls pray withme satans schemes will be totally thwarted, Jesuswould make His supremacy manifest in their spirits & set their captive spirits FREE as they come to know Him who is Tuth Personified!!!
My dear precious siblings in Jesus:
A great tidbit:
Many of us picture Satan as “itching for a fight” with us.
Really, Satan doesn’t want to do battle with you.
First of all, there is the strong chance you will win.
Second of all, win or lose, the battle can draw you closer to the Lord.
Thirdly, what the Lord does in your life through the battle can be a great blessing for other people.
No, satan would much rather not fight you at all!
He would much rather try to talk you into giving up!
:D rejoice with me! :D
:D Jesus has won the victory against satan!!! so long as we’re in Christ, we’re winners too!!!
:D the incredible blessing of family (physical and spiritual!)
:D letting me be healthy enough for the healing trauma seminar & all the blessings that’ve flowed from there!
:D the precious gift of forgiveness I’ve been given from those I’ve hurt, as well as give to those who hurt me-- including myself!
:D the sweet freedom that comes from living in forgiveness!
:D giving me faithful brothers & sisters to grow in this journey with!!
* keep helping me fully 'process' everything with Abba Yahweh from the two courses!!
* help me hear Abba Yahweh's voice and KNOW for myself what season I’m in to clearly discern what course of action will bring about the greatest and most eternal harvest in the LONG run!
* help me to make the very best use of every moment of life I’ve graciously been given!
* every year I’ve graciously been given after coming near to death make me more godly & a better reflector of the image of Jesus’ beauty & humility!
* help me live in total synchronization with His Holy Spirit!
* guide me re: moving Sunday “Family” gathering location, ministry location & possible relationship?!
* make me love with skin on!
* my life would be giving out of God’s overflow & splashing onto people!
what a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D
please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
my prayer blog, please visit, pray & leave a comment~!
love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D
The one concern of the devil
is to keep Christians from praying.
He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot - - and start seeing it as the steering wheel!
-- S.D. Gordon <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!
For a free book that thousands of people have said has changed their lives,
click on this link- ..REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!
there's nothing quite like being knocked down with the flu yet *again* to feel the awesome sense of how greatly i'm loved by Abba Yahweh - to be left with hardly any energy to do much at all except to just be with Him!
... it's like everytime i come down sick now, i feel like He's "booking me out" to spend some serious one-on-one time with Him! :D XD
... then silly me, in my almost constant state of lethargy, tries to go off & do things that take me away from simply being focussed on Him! >.<
rejoice with me that though my body is down, my spirit is SOOOARING!!! :D
please do pray i maximise this "exclusive time out" with Abba Yahweh to let Him do all He wants to do in me :D
... i prayed about taking a sabbatical.. could weakness & sickness in body be an answer to that?! ;)
if so, i gladly accept it =)
thanks for praying!! GOD IS WORKING!! =D X-D
Yoshi is progressing along on his spiritual journey for truth ... thank God for the good catch ups the past few weeks since i got back from Sydney! :D
please do pray with me for him to have a real, personal experience of The Resurrected Jesus for himself that'll undo all the damage that's been done by baaad misrepresentations of Jesus by organised religion!! >.<
.. i trust Father to move as we, His children, pray!
After a long-overdue 2-week break’ in Sydney, I’m back!
... and I got sick - down with a serious case of the flu..
(can't believe how many tissues/serviettes i've blown disghuating matter onto :S)
:D rejoice with me! :D
:D The weekend course with Ellel + Elijah House WAS AWESOME!!!
(how can words suffice to describe an encounter with Abba Yahweh??)
:D exposing the wounds + lies I’ve long held onto & believed that have kept my wounded spirit from being healed & made whole!
(e.g. ‘I’m a failure’, ‘something’s wrong with me’, ‘it’s always my fault’, ‘I’m always to blame’,
‘I’m unlovable’, ‘I must earn approval’,
‘relationships aren’t safe’)
:D Abba Yahweh only expects me to do my best, NOT to get everything 'perfect' on my own!
:D Abba Yahweh LOVES me for WHO I AM, NOT WHAT I DO/ FAIL TO DO!!!
:D i'm a human BEING, not a human doing!!
:D my worth & identity is NOT tied to my performance / income!
:D healing me from the flu sufficiently so i could attend the healing trauma seminar with Elijah House ministries 6-7/5
.. so much to tell & reflect on!!
If you want, ask me about …
+ God showing me my true identity!
+ my inspiring & encouraging chats with siblings in Jesus!
+ the item of creation + photo Abba Yahweh gave me & spoke to me through on the final day of the course …
* help me to fully 'process' everything with Abba Yahweh from the two courses!!
* teach me to wait patiently before Abba Yahweh in everything-- unless He's clearly answering, to stay in an internal position of waiting on Him while externally doing what He’s given me most peace to do.
* guide me re: taking a ‘sabbatical’ !!
* help me know and hear Abba Yahweh's voice and KNOW for myself what season I’m in to clearly discern what course of action will bring about the greatest and most eternal harvest in the LONG run!
* save me from the trap of trying to live as a dutiful slave rather than a beloved son!
* protect others I come in contact with so they won’t catch any of my flu!!
what a joy it is to be serving The wisest, Richest, Most Generous King of all kings!!! :D
please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D
The one concern of the devil
is to keep Christians from praying.
He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot -
- and start seeing it as the steering wheel!
-- S.D. Gordon <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!
For a free book that thousands of people have said has changed their lives,
click on this link- ..REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!