Friday, September 17, 2010

pray for Shelley + doorknockers!

- Shelley - an epilepsy Qld doorknocker just came to our house.

being epileptic myself, thought i may as well support
[even if it was the last $10 in my wallet]:D PRAISE! :D

:D the mission field that literally comes to our doorsteps!


* have mercy on Shelley & all precious souls who come to our doorsteps - to be brought out of the darkness & into the light to declare the praises of Jesus!

* reveal Christ in all His preeminence to Shelley & all precious souls who come to our doorsteps that Christ be increased & self be decreased!

.. order tracts to spread the gospel as He brings people to you  / He sends you out & about! p [see]

-- at $5/ per pack of 100, even i'd go for that!!

& passed her a $1,000,000 tract - she said shje'd definitely read it when she gets home. :)

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