Wednesday, September 01, 2010

pray for Al [IND]

after what semed to be a day of horribly mediocre 'witnessing' i sat next to Al on the bus - he's tragically deceived into believing he's "good enough" to go to heaven. :"(
he seemed quite disillusioned by pastors/preachers who talked big but lived selfishly . . . but i think it was just a smokescreen he put up :S
- he felt uncomfortable about where the onversation was heading before i got to take him through the 10 commandments which he claimed to live by everyday .. and i had to get off the bus soon .. so i left him with an 'eternity' gospel tract.
* please pray for Al's soul - may he be rescued from the deathly deception that keeps him a slave in the kingdom of darkness! :"(
.. order tracts to spread the gospel as you're sent out & about by our Lord!

-- at $5/ per pack of 100, even i'd go for that!!

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