Tuesday, December 29, 2009

praise & pray for telemarketers - Angel, Michael & France! [PHILIPNS]

if there ever was a day i was a stupid fool - a fantastic target for a telemarketer, this was the day! :|

my prayer time this morning was interrupted by a telemarketer telling me about their cheap phone deals.
who was i to leave my time with Father without HIs permission?!
the following ordeal was a timely lesson in my NEED TO WAIT ON HIM~!

for awhile now i've been wanting to possibly change phone plan / get a new phone
. . . i prayed about it & was pretty settled that i just neded to trust Him & stay on the plan i've been on for the last 10 years - it's cheap & suits my meagre-plenty phone usage.

exchange #1 ended with me indicating possible interest in their cheapest phone deal, but wanting more time to think about it .. so i referred Angel, the nice telemarketer to check out http://www.fathersloveletter.com/ (which is translated to many languages - perfect since most telemarketers are from all different parts of the world!

she then called back later hoping to chase up my dad about signing us onto their home phone+broadband internet package - i was really wanting to check if she got to look at the website but i didn't get to :(
... instead i ended up talking to Michael & France, who got me in my 'stupid moment' to sign up for a 2 year plan with them.

as yet i hadn't received any 2nd hand phones to replace my curent one which is sporadically problematic, but still usable .. and i was getting impatient & doutful of Father's goodness & ability to supply, thinking it's "good for me" to be independent & stop relying on others - i went for it anyway :(
... sure, i'd be paying more than i'm paying now (i was firmly set on *NOT* changing to a plan that'd cost me more) but i fooled myself into taking the bait & believing the appealing lies to "treat myself" to a new phone, more call credit, more freedom blah blah blah . ..

what a horrid, covetous, idolatrous heart there is in me! >_<

in these last days when we're called to live a life of wartime simplicity,  NOT being pressed into the mold of the world & its ways!

felt terrible about it afterwards since i didn't act in faith, grabbing after what Father has not given. 

.. since when have i truly lacked anything by trusting in HIm anyway? :O

every single time He has proven HImself faithful that as i seek first His Kingdom & rightousness, He has provided everything i've ever needed so i'm never in want!

how do i get myself into these messes?!

perhaps i was meant to share that website with Angel, Michael & France, but i think i learnt from this all that there is still sinful, unbelieving idolatry in my heart that had to be exposed & brought to light so i might be broken once again, repent & rest in the shadow of the cross!

still in the habit of seeing "annoyance calls" as so much more than just a time-wasting annoyance, but as a precious soul, made & loved by Father who He wants to bring to Himself!

just doing my little bit to bring even one lost soul a step closer to The Savior :)


:D the ways He's used the internet to communicate His gospel to the lost!


* Angel, Michael & France be drawn [deeper] into Fathers' love & this would be highly contagious to all around them!!

* keep exposing any hidden sin in my heart that i'd live in the constant beauty of a broken spirit & contrite heart!

why not share this (or your own favorite evangelistic website) with those strangers Father brings you into contact with on the internet / phone etc?!

to Him be all glory who seeks & saves the lost!

The Lord isn't slow to do what he promised, as some people think. Rather, he is patient for your sake. He doesn't want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to him and change the way they think and act.
2 Peter 3:9

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