Saturday, December 12, 2009

rejoice with me & pray for me~!!

Dear praying friends,

Recent bytes He’s taught me: [how much I have to learn!]
An excerpt from a most awesome article: see

"But [Stephen], being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and said, 'Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God'" (Acts 7:55,56).

Those who overcome are those who see Jesus afresh, who keep the Heavenly vision in front of them at all times. The surest way to be defeated is to get your eyes off the ONE THING and get them onto the "many things". The Spirit of Antichrist does not require you to bow down to satan, it only hopes to cloud your vision of Christ. The problem with the church today is that we lack this seeing of Christ. We have lost sight of Him, and in His place we have programs, church services, end-times predictions and interpretations, plus a million-and-one other things that all add up to "zero" without Christ. Even worse, we think those things ARE Him.

* The wisest & most practical thing I can do in all of life – relationships, work, sex, speaking, eating is to think of Father & respond to Him!

Humbly asking your prayers as we journey on toward HIM! :)

if you have any questions / comments of my life, Don’t be shy~! my life's an open book ;)

++ praise & prayer points from previous prayer mails mostly still apply, but for the sake of space I’ll leave them out ;)

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D because Christ is in me & I’m in Him, I have more riches than all the global banks combined!!

:D His graciousness so far in keeping me from wicked company!

:D i broke the strap tied onto my glasses [because I keep losing them! :P] but Father provided another one [free!] from the shop I bought them from [go spec savers! :)]


* I’d see as He sees so I can partner with Him in what He’s doing in he lives of those He puts in front of me!

* help me love the people He puts right in front of me instead of going about my plans / agenda!

* God deliver me from "things" and show me His Son! We must learn to keep the focus of our heart on the Lord Jesus Christ, Who MUST increase. Then there is no room for "things" anymore. They are simply swallowed up in Victory

* deliver me from an independent spirit – keep me childlike & humble before Father!

* His purpose would keep unfolding for me!

* I’d stop letting opportunities pass me by!

* though I bask much in His abundant grace – pray I share as much as I've been given!

* deliver me from the idol I’ve made of food - it’s definitely on my mind too much & affects the way I relate to people [or not relate to people because I’m stuffing my face :|]

Not sure if prayer is the best way to be rid of this idol . . or should I go on a permanent fast? :
I don’t know . . . :|

* cleanse all the filth I’ve collected in my mind & keep me ever-filled with Him, seriously avoiding collecting anymore filth in my mind [especially hard in our society that’s being raped by immorality at every turn!! :(

* I’d LOVE good & HATE evil with PASSION – HIS PASSION!

* I’d not waste this precious life He’s given me but help me listen to wisdom, awake, ready & responsive to its voice every moment of I’d everyday!

* keep me drinking deep of the springs of the fear-of-God living water so I won’t go drinking from the poisoned wells of this world!

~thanks~!! please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!

if Father so leads you to be my regular prayer supporter, do check out this prayer blog every now & then :)

Looking forward to hearing from you how i can best support you in prayer & praises!!

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