Saturday, October 18, 2008

pray for us!

"But Lord, Gideon asked, how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." Jud. 6:15
Today we might say that Gideon had a problem with his self-image. His argument sounds familiar: "I can't serve the Lord because I'm a nobody!" The Bible and 2000 years of church history remind us that God is in the business of taking nobodies and getting His work done through them. He often chooses the unlikely person because God's power is made perfect in weakness. Do you feel that the task of evangelizing across cultural barriers is too hard? Are you convinced that God could never use you to penetrate a frontier? He can-and He will if you are simply available. The greatest ability is availability.

Pray that we can see ourselves and the world through His eyes. Pray that you will clearly understand what God wants to do through you.

"Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was leading Israel at that time" Jud. 4:4

While many today struggle over the question of what role women should play in the church, the example of Deborah reminds us that in times of crisis, women often give strong leadership. From the early days of Protestant missions, women have carried tremendous responsibilities in overseas service and mission administration. Many times, in areas where men could not (or would not) go, women have taken the gospel to peoples who would otherwise never have had the opportunity to hear. They are the only ones who can take the gospel to women in conservative cultures throughout the developing world.

Pray for God to raise up more of His daughters to reach the unreached Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist women.

"Because this nation has violated the covenant that I laid down for their forefathers...I will no longer drive out before them any of the nations Joshua left when he died." Jud. 2:20-21
God commanded Israel to conquer all the peoples of Canaan and to assume possession of all the land. But the years were long and the battles hard, and Israel settled for less. Those nations left unconquered became their snare and eventually their conquerors. So today, when we reject or adulterate God's commands, our sins become the snares which frustrate God's blessings to us and through us. In particular, those peoples from whom we withhold the blessings of the gospel may become strong, bitter enemies of Jesus and His Church.

Pray that we, His Church, will not grow weary in taking His good news to the nations. Pray for perseverance.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!!

1 comment:

Matt said...

So simple and so true about simply being available. Thanks for that encouragement bro! Keep on shining brightly!