Friday, August 22, 2008

pray for us!

"Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you" 3 Jn. 5
What a joy to help our friends as they go as missionaries to unreached people groups! Today a wonderful new opportunity has come to help some of the Third World missionaries reach out from their peoples and tribes to penetrate other groups. Will we be as generous with our encouragement and our prayers for these brothers and sisters who are strangers to us as we are to those of our own people group who are bearing the gospel? John commended Gaius for his unselfish ministry. Would he be able to commend us for the same thing?

Father, open our eyes to opportunities for us to minister to missionaries who are strangers to us as well as to those we know well.

"Snatch others from the fire and save them" Jude 23
How human it is for us to be concerned primarily with our own salvation. Our own welfare is a natural concern. But it is wrong to stop there. We must be concerned for the spiritual safety and security of others also. Remember God's challenge to Ezekiel: "If you warn them and they do not listen, that is their responsibility. If you do not warn them and they perish, I will hold you responsible" (Ezekiel 33:8-9, paraphrase That is a great challenge to us as we think of those who still have not heard the gospel!

Our Father, we want to be faithful to share Christ with the unreached peoples. But all too often we are afraid of rejection and scorn. Give us the same courage You gave to Ezekiel to warn others of the judgment awaiting those who reject Your grace.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!!

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