Thursday, July 05, 2007

VISION!! Re: praise & pray for Muslim outreach on Gold Coast

this might sound ukky but .. :P
was out @ the local park this afternoon praying with my head bowed on my arms resting on my knees with my mouth open.. when a litle drop of saliva fell from my mouth hitting the dry parched ground below.

what difference did my li'l drop of moisture do to the dry, thirsty land?

nothing immediately observable.

. . . but the rain is coming!!

then I heard the voice of my Father say, "Able, my child, you do know that much of what you do here on the Gold Coast will seem just like that litle drop of saliva falling on dry parched ground?

. . . but what you don't see yet, my child, is that the rain is coming!!

I understood exactly what He meant.

a conversation, a gospel tract given here & a conversation, a gospel tract given there
-- much of what we're doing here reaching out to precious lost muslim souls might seem to make no immediately observable difference.

praise the Lord, He never leaves us short of encouragement when we make the time to be still & listen to Him!

yes, much of of what we do here on the Gold Coast will seem just like a litle drop of moisture falling on dry parched ground, with no immediately observable difference,

. . . but what we don't see yet, is that the rain is coming!!

all we can see now is a conversation, a gospel tract given here & a conversation, a gospel tract given there but I'm truly excited at all we cannot see right here & right now!!

working "behind the scenes" doing what He does best is The Holy Spirit, working through each & every interaction exchanged, each & every word spoken, each & every tract received, each & every Arabic bible given -- working powerfully to reveal Christ to lost sinners whom He loves so dearly!

it's *SUCH* a God-thing that He'd take muslims escaping from lands of insanely hot summers to holiday in a place with complete freedom of expression, worship & evangelism!


He loves them THAT much to get them outside their oppressive religio-political regimes so they might be able to be have access to The Truth, The Way, Light, True Life & True Love found only in Jesus Christ!

so though I can't see me making any huge dramatically different impact on the muslim world through simple conversations, giving out Arabic gospel tracts & Bibles, Papa reminded me that
. . . but what I can't see yet, is that the rain is coming!!

Oh! to learn to stop looking with mere limited finite mortal eyes, to see the unseen & Ultimate Spiritual reality!!

after all, hasn't He always used small, weak, seemingly foolish means to display His huge, glorious might & wisdom?!

so I cast myself completely at the disposal of a God who can take a wee li'l drop of saliva, send His Holy Spirit rain & completely saturate a ground once dry & dead transformed to life!

indeed our God is the God who makes a valley of dry bones to live again!!

so be encouraged dear fellow child of The Most High God, even in your seemingly small, weak & foolish efforts, coupled with prayer to our Almighty Father who makes a valley of dry bones to live again!!

keep persevering..
. . . for what you & I can't see yet, is that the rain is coming!!
keep putting yourself at HIS disposal. through you, yes, even small, weak, seemingly foolish Y.O.U., He wants to IMPACT ETERNITY!!

won't you let Him?!
WHY rip yourself off & give yourself to anything less? :)

His is the delight of working this way. to Him be all the glory, as we commit to this dangerous duity of delighting in HIS work done HIS way :D

please especially praise Papa for the incredible way He's drawing lost muslims to find the Saviour through dreams & visions, and ask Him to do so all the more with all those precious lost muslims holidaying here & bring them across our path that we might point them to The One who is The Truth, The Way, Light, True Life & True Love!



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