Thursday, July 19, 2007

praise & pray for Amirsh (PAK) * botched witnessing encounter?!

met on bus last night, found out he'd never heard of Jesus .. went through wdjd with him

turns out that his conscience was telling him he'd never sinned, (never lied, stolen nor looked with lust [!!] had always lived a perfect life ...
was so surprised when he said he'd never ever loked lustfully at a woman, i asked if he was gay then I think things turned sour :S
perfect timing as our bus stop was coming soon, he looked eager to get away. wish I had some gospel resources in his native language of Urdu, totally forgot about the "Life of The Messiah" DVD in my bag that had an Urdu language option (>_<) of course only after the encounter did I think of what I should've said/done, namely; gone through all of the comandments [following the biblical principle of

law to the proud and grace to the humble]

maybe not raising up the gay issue woud've been wise too :|
should've shared this withhim too: [source:]
God will judge you for every thought you have ever had, He will judge you for every word spoken, and also for the intents of your heart.

Imagine for a moment that we could take every thought that you have had for the past week, and make it available online for people to see.

Would you like it to be seen by everyone? Probably not, yet God sees every thought, and hears every word you speak...

:D growing me through tough witnessing encounters with those who throw a spanner into the works [when your whole witnessing approach aims to address the consciece using God's law to bring about knowledsge of sin & therefore need for a Saviour, and you meet a guy who says his
his conscience tells him he's never sinned, WHADDAYA DO?!
:D He's BIGGER than my failures!
:D He's ABLE to break through even the proudest & hardest of hearts (see Saul of Tarsus, Acts 9!)

* have mercy on Amirsh's soul & reveal Christ to Him in a way that'll break him of all his hard-hearted pride & supposed "sinless perfection" & bringhim to the cross in true repentance & faith!
* turn this rebel into a Spirit-and-Truth Worshipper of Jesus & proclaimer of His mighty gospel that is mighty to save!

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