Friday, July 23, 2010

pray for Khan [KOR]

my bad .. at conversation corner yesterday, i was so precoccupied with tearing out coupons from a free city newspsaper that maybe for the first hour or so, nobody came to talk to me at the table i was at . . .  :S
surely my whole purpose for going there wasn't to help people save some money, but to serve them through English conversation! 
. . . but for some dumb reason i stayed on ripping out coupons . . . :|
then Khan arrived! :D 
he's been preparing for his big IELTS exam & so has been keen to practice his English at every opportunity. i was really humbled - this guy knows words that i don't! :P
he feels guilty for not going to 'church' for a long time even though he's not a christian! :|
- got the impression he was very proud & 'full of himself' in retrospect, i truly felt like there were many opportunities to direct him to Jesus in our conversation that i failed to take advantage of :"(

i feel burdened to pray for his lost soul to not waste his life chasing after the wind!
do join me!

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