Thursday, April 03, 2008

praise & pray for Kalit (SD AR)

listen to this -- TOO GOOD TO MISS!
... Jesus died FOR ME! He removed the wrath of God from me! IT IS GONE! IT IS GONE! IT IS GONE! There is NO CONDEMENATION for me because He averted it by His sacrifice for me.. the curse of the law is lifted!I am NOT under a curse anymore! the guilt is gone! The wrath is removed! I am a free man once & for all by the sacrifice of Himself! And that can never, never, ever be brought back upon me because of the death of Christ FOR ME!!

do those truths hit you & reverberate in yourheart of hearts like it does mine?! =D
... nothing like good solid bible preaching to get one fired up for sharing this Good News without hindrance!
on the bus home , Kalit sat next to me. a friendly 'good evening, how are you?' kicked things off well :) initiating a potential gospel encounter is as scary as being friendly to a stranger Jesus died for!
this was a much shorter encounter, once again THANK GOD FOR GOSPEL TRACTS!!
left him with an arabic 'this is your life' tract :)
:D Jesus died FOR ME!
:D He removed the wrath of God from me! IT IS GONE! IT IS GONE! IT IS GONE!
:D There is NO CONDEMNATION for me because He averted it by His sacrifice for me
:D the curse of the law is lifted!
:D I am NOT under a curse anymore! the guilt is gone! The wrath is removed!
:D I am a free man once & for all by the sacrifice of Himself!
:D His wrath will never, never, ever be brought back upon me because of the death of Christ FOR ME!!
:D bringing Kalit here!
:D we're not manufacturers of God's Word & Gospel.. just distributors!
:D giving me arabic tracts to give out! - almost out .. need to order more ...
* His Word be sown, take root, flourish & bear much fruit to The Fathers' Glory in Kalit's heart! * have mercy on Kalit, open his blind eyes that he might see past the lies & deception of all he was brought up to believe in, unstop his desaf ears to hear The Saviour calling him by name & breathe life into his dead soul that he might live for the glory of His Maker!
* save Kalit & his family!
* bring more Divine Appointments his way as he studies in Australia to increase Christ & decrease self!
"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30

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