Wednesday, February 29, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

~thanks for praying~!  
:D praise! :D 
:D the great day we had hanging out on Monday! 
.. things "seem" to just keep going from bad to worse with his family situation .. & his country's situation.. :"(
he's really stressing out about it .. to the point of not being able to rest at night! 
Papa spoke to me in the morning in John 9 [Jesus healing the man born blind] about seeing "bad" situations as occasions for His glory .. and the EMT course is really encouraging me to look at the unseen realities, which are of greater eternal substance than what's of seen reality.
so it felt a little weird, but i asked if i could pray with him, for him. [1st time in our friendship of 9 yrs .. WHY has it taken me so long??!!
do declare with me these words over him & his family & national situation:
* keep working through the challenges key people in his life are going through to bring them all to Himself!
* Papa give Yoshi to Jesus so he can come to know Him!
* help me to love him well as a friend, but also take up every opportunity to show & tell The Good News of Jesus!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Sam [KOR]

~thanks for praying~!  
.. just 6 days until he leaves Aus .. 
:D giving us a good time together yesterday afternoon!
.. he's still not certain he is a Christian .. still has doubts .. 
* establish Sam's heart in faith that he would be secure in God's love for him that triumphs over every doubt!
* grow Sam daily in the revelation of Christ to be a bringer of that Revelation to others!

***UPDATE*** pray for Sho [JAP]

.. i met Sho yesterday to shout him lunch for a belated birthday gift. 
he has 44 days left in Aus.. 
apparently he had an encounter with some Christians on the street who told him about the Adam & Eve story .. he had some questions from that .. great how the conversation naturally led to spiritual matters of sin, judgment & God's Love! .. gotta keep pointing him to The Saviour~!
do pray Sho has more divine appointments that will connect him to Jesus, The Saviour!!
.. he also hoped i would go back to English Corner soon .. in HIS time ... [??]

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

~thanks for praying~!  
:D praise! :D 
:D the great day spent hanging out today! 
* keep working through the challenges key people in his life are going through to bring Yoshi to Himself!
* Papa give Yoshi to Jesus so he can come to know Him!
 .. Papa's teaching me to just love him as a person, not an evangelistic project, to learn the love of a friend which in the past I'd often neglected to show :(
* help me to love him well as a friend, but also take up every opportunity to show & tell The Good News of Jesus!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

~thanks for praying~!  
:D praise! :D 
:D the great day spent catching up with yesterday! 
* deliver him from the spirits of martial arts that keep him in bondage so he can find true Life, Freedom, peace, rest & salvation in Jesus Christ!
* Papa give Yoshi to Jesus so he can come to know Him!
.. also, I'm meeting him tomorrow [22/2] .. Papa's teaching me to just love him as a person, not an evangelistic project, to learn the love of a friend which in the past I'd often neglected to show :(
* help me to love him well as a friend, but also take up every opportunity to show & tell The Good News of Jesus!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

rejoice with me & pray for me!

My precious siblings in Jesus:

we were given this book on the 1st night of the new course “When Heaven Invades Earth”: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson.

I realised that I had an encounter with the God of power through many of your prayers when I was in a coma 10 years ago that brought me back to life from the brink of death .. this encounter with His power was to equip me to give His power away! Yes, His power came through you your prayers a decade ago that you might keep releasing His power to invade “impossible” situations in your life!

Great nuggets of truth:

Yes, they are looking forward to the joys of Heaven, but they have rarely experienced the blessings from Heaven on earth – in spite of the new law of the Spirit that God has written in the heart of every believer. This new law gives us authority over the law of sin and death which tries to drag us back into the attitudes and activities of Satan’s Kingdom. Satan does his best to blind us to the fact that we can use our free will to walk free of his chains, using the higher authority that we now have in our lives – if only we would use our free will to let the Spirit of God transform us from the inside out many of the problems which beset believers on a day to day basis would simply fall away.

* Lord, help me to persevere with the things that you ask me to do. I don’t want my life to be marked by many new starts but with nothing ever finished. In Jesus’ Name Amen!

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D EMT has been AWESOME so far~!!

.. not the usual kind of ‘course’ where you’re taught in the ways of God but more “caught”!

:D providing a way to EMT & back – on the 1st night, the 1st couple I talked to just “happened” to live nearby! .. gotta *love* those God-incidences!


* help me embrace a life of discomfort – living with continual risk - willing to endure the unexplainable yto obtain the unforgettable!

* help me seek His Kingdom, declare what I’ve found & give it away!

* help me make good connections & deep friendships/ Kingdom partnerships in EMT!

* I’d celebrate risk taking more than results!

* help me to live in daily expectation of His supernatural miracles!

* He’d awaken my dreams & give m courage to dream again!

* I’d live so sure of my identity as a beloved son & lived in the freedom of that – free from mans’ opinions, performance & possessions!

* my mind & spirit would grow increasingly submitted to Holy Spirit!

* I’d follow HIS lead & time re: being involved in starting up some free English class at a Korean SDA gathering nearby.

~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D

Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!

"Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle." Missionary C.T. Studd (1860-1931)



love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D

The one concern of the devil

is to keep Christians from praying.

He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.

He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.

We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot - and start seeing it as the steering wheel!

-- S.D. Gordon <-- great site to pray daily & impact eternity!

AWESOME free book thousands said has changed their lives – .. REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

praise and pray for Identity & Destiny Seminar + Charles and Meg Kraft Queensland Conferences!

:D the blessing of living in a land with so much great teaching & tools for healing & growth!
:D all the revelation, healing of spirit, soul & body He'll do!

* bring those of His choosing along to get the revelation & healing they need to soar & live the ABUNDANT Life He came to bring!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. " John 10:10  

* pray for breakthrough in ticket sales, any blockages stopping those sales to be removed.

* For the Krafts themselves, against tiredness, that they will be filled with a renewed strength and energy and stamina, and that they would be encouraged.

* For the participants who will come against any lethargy.

* we all be alert to what the Lord has to teach us, and His direction.

Praise God He is a Lord we can trust!! 

pray for Sam

~thanks for praying~!  
:D giving us a good dinner last night with his friend, Ben.
.. Sam has certainly warmed up to getting to know Jesus lately!!
 .. quite a shift from when i first met him ~!!
:D he's been meeting with a Korean pastor to read the bible lately!!
.. he really wants to be certain he's a Christian before he leaves Aus. in <2 weeks!
* establish Sam's heart in faith that he would be firm & secure in God's love for him that triumphs over every doubt!
* grow Sam daily in the revelation of Christ to be a bringer of that Revelation to others!

pray for Brian [AUS]

.. met Brian at the bus stop yesterday .. he was catching the bus to the hospital.. thought it was an awesome opportunity for the supernatural - for heaven to invade earth & apply what I've been exposed to so far at the EMT!
when i finally asked if i could pray for him, i found out that apparently he was a man of faith who "occasionally went to church" ... he appreciated it .. i took the "risk" .. didn't seem like much ;) learning to celebrate simple obedience than "getting results" :) 
pray Brian's body be fully restored to its original design!

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

~thanks for praying~! 
:D the great day spent catching up with Yoshi on Tuesday!
:D was able to speak hope & Life into his family situation! (for some reason i held off until right before we parted ways?! :S)
* deliver him from the spirits of martial arts that keep him in bondage so he can find true peace, rest & salvation in Jesus Christ!
.. might meet him on Sunday and/or next Monday and/or Wednesday .. 
* Papa give Yoshi to Jesus so he can come to know Him!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

pray for Yoshi [JAP]


How may i pray 4 u? Mtg Yoshi 2day. pray i love him 4 as a person & partner with Holy Spirit in wat HE is doin in his life. Thanks! May Heaven invade earth!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

D the great day spent catching up with Yoshi today!
.. learnt that he's a chronic worry-er :S

* deliver him from the spirits of martial arts that keep him in bondage so he can find true peace, rest & salvation in Jesus Christ!
.. yes, the situation seems to be going from bad to worse in his country & with his family ..  pray i can speak hope & Life into his situation!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

pray for Yoshi[JAP]

pls pray for Yoshi again - spending the today with him. may i partner with Papa in all He's doing! thanks :)

Monday, February 06, 2012

rejoice with me & pray for me!

My precious siblings in Jesus:
Great nugget of truth:
 Many Christians have not yet learned to trust in God’s goodness & love. And so they mistakenly think the exposure of their character flaws is proof that their salvation isn’t working. The exact opposite is true! The true work of grace and glory in your life is to bring everything into the light so you can see the broken places, invite God’s healing and gain wisdom & strength to live differently. God doesn’t want to take you down, He wants to take you higher. Understanding this will free you forever from discouragement and condemnation! (“money & the prosperous soul” by Stephen K. De Silva)

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D all the truth, encouragement, challenges & inspiration received from the Ignite conference!

:D we have been warmly invited to call The King of the universe our Daddy!

:D trusting me with so much, so I can trust Him & myself, to think & live like the son & supernatural steward He’s training me to be!

:D Thank You Jesus, that you have broken the chains of bondage for all those who have trusted in You. Help me, Lord, to live in the reality of that freedom, now and for the rest of my life.

:D getting me into the Encounter ministry Training (EMT) Course – Starts tomorrow! (7/2)

* equip us (EMT students) to live a supernatural lifestyle and minister in the gifts of The Spirit.

* we’d bring heaven to earth wherever we go.

* empower us to take risks and stretch our faith, growing our understanding of God through hands on experiences!

* help me engage my whole being, 24/7 in the work of filling, subduing & ruling creation to the glory of God!
* MAKE ME WHOLE! To leave the past behind & walk on into the glorious purpose & identity He has made me for!!

* I’d not to limit Him to my own ideas & what I can conceive in my mind!

* resolve the contradictions between what I know to be true & how I live, especially how I relate to people!

* I’d abandon my ways of loving “safely” (there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one!)

* Let it be seen that I have been with Youa, Jesus my Lord and my Saviour.
Let it be known I am truly Your own, by all my speech and behaviour.

 O Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God, thank You for all You’ve done in my life to save me, change me and empower me by Your Holy Spirit. May my whole life be a means of showing others what You can do to make a life something that speaks of You. I ask this that Jesus might be glorified. Amen.

~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D

Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!


love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D
The one concern of the devil
is to keep Christians from praying.
He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot - - and start seeing it as the steering wheel!
-- S.D. Gordon <-- great site to pray daily & impact eternity!
AWESOME free book thousands said has changed their lives – .. REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!

pray for Alex [AUS]

.. i was wondering how much cash i should carry before going out. tempted to have minimal cash .. had this weird suspicion before going out today that maybe a person in need might approach me asking me for money .. this happens so often when I'm out in the city. do i have a sign on me i don't know about that says 'free money? ask me!"?? i was very tempted to carry no cash because i think I've been cheated too many times by people who make up some sob story & I'm so gullible as to believe them & help them with what i have.  

"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
Pro 3:28  Do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it"--when you have it with you.
- Proverbs 3:27-28
these verses have stuck with me since i first read them!
oh well, if i do get cheated, it's God's money anyway & he'll do justice :D
as i was about to go catch the bus home after meeting Richard, Alex approaches me asking for money so he can get home .. told him I'll go with him to buy him a ticket home .. he told me he was hungry so i paid for what he ordered @ maccas 
.. talked with him as he scoffed it down, .. thought it strange he works but had no money .. was he just taking advantage of me?! felt like running away from him .. 
.. but i was soo wanting to get around to some spiritual topic but just felt like my place at that time was to simply love on him & not ask too many questions.
after topping up his transport ticket he asked for another $5 [or what?!]  but by then i only had a $20 note .. didn't feel like giving him anymore:|  
left him with a $1,000,000 tract .. pray it does him eternal good!  & flowing on to others Papa puts around him!
.. looking back,  i regret not taking the time to go through the gospel with him .. or giving him a warm hug, or praying with him :[

***UPDATE*** pray for Richard [KOR]

thanks for praying~!
but honestly, i don't feel like i have much to report :(
.. probably wasn't a good idea i met him in a semi-tired state :S
almost feel like the time was wasted :( 
:D he says he's got a relationship with Jesus! 
(but has no idea if he were to die, why God should let him into heaven)
please pray with me Papa will keep pursuing  him & drawing him into deeper relationship with Himself!
* save Richard & his family to the uttermost!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

pray for Richard [KOR]

pls pray for Richard again - he's going back to Korea tomorrow - having dinner with him tonight. may i partner with Papa in all He's doing!
thanks :)