Thursday, November 05, 2009

] praise & pray for Keith (Keisuke) [JAP]

:D ... spent a really good day out with this 2.5 month young fresh brother in Jesus, a precious, rare gem among his people group!!!
so, so encouraged at the work Father has done in His life, & using him to lead his mother to Jesus too! he has a burden & sees the need to share The Good News of Jesus' Love with others --
* may many other Japanese be drawn into His love through him!
* please pray he'd be connected with a bunch of loving, grace-based, Spirit-filled believers who'd encourage him rather than the discouraging, religiously legalistc ones he's been with. :(
* provide him with a job!
* show him how to most effectively share The Good News of Jesus' Love with other Japanese, he sees himself as in a right positoon to reach his own people easier than outsiders!
* keep him FOCUSED on JESUS! many distractions/ temptations around him!!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Hi! Thanks for writing and praying about me! Thank you LORD, you provided this wonderful friendship among brothers, AMEN!