Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mike [PHIL]

i met Mike as i was on the way to the bus stop yesterday - it was a summer day in spirng & guess who forgot to take a water bottle? :P turned around, went home to get it [ + some more gospel tracts than i had on me], thankfully i was still in time for the bus [no way i wanted to miss travelling in air con on such a hot day!], made some small talk & found out he was catholic, who thought he'd go to heaven so long as he kept going to confession & not do anything too bad. 

what a sad deception to gamble your eternal destiny on :{
before long he had to get off the bus, i handed him a gospel tract . . .  
stupid me, to have wasted time on small talk rather than get to the heart of the matter - the eternal salvation of his soul!

do pray for Mike, and the deceived multitudes who are blinded by self & religion from seeing their need to turn from themselves, to Jesus & fall at His feet!
also for me, that i'd be more urgent in sharing the gospel, being wise & discerning about when & how much to "be friendly" vs. proclaiming the gospel boldly!

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