Sunday, October 18, 2009

pray for the unreached!

"Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River." Joshua 1:2

What fearsome words: Moses is dead. Moses was the man through whom God had done great and mighty works in Egypt and in the wilderness. Joshua, to whom God spoke these words, had been simply an assistant, and now he was to lead the Israelites. Today, our generation stands in awe of the missionary giants of previous eras. William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Cameron Townsend, Donald McGavran, and Ralph Winter are no longer walking among us. Nevertheless, God's challenge to us today rings as clear and sure as this word to Joshua centuries ago: Get ready to move! Thus the torch of responsibility passes from generation to generation. Are you ready to take the torch?

Pray for His anointing for those who will take the torch and reach Bangladesh for His Kingdom.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

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