Friday, September 04, 2009

Gwen (Tw)

- met at conversation corner yesterday - she caught me when she was in a very low state over life in a foreign land with dwindling confidence in her English ability ..
tried my best to cheer her up, which seemed to work.
as her newfound friend we exchanged phone numbers & emails, i don't know why, maybe because it's my usual custom with international students, but i tend not to make this offer to girls much : it was probably an unwise thing to do -- i told her she could call me anytime.

[which, despite their gratefulness, rarely gets taken up!]
i'm definitely super-paranoid things could get too friendly too fast! >_<
.. even though i warned her to be careful about Aussies who're too friendly because they have some dirty ulterior motives [which seems to be going on more! :],
i know i'm not excluded from falling into temptation.


please pray for Gwen. may Father give her friends to connect her with Jesus!

and for me too .. to excercise greater wisdom, conducting myself with all wisdom maintaining all purity for His glory!

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