Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Praise & pray for us!

Ex. 12:38

"Many other people went up with them as well."

Even as they left Egypt, God used the children of Abraham to bless other non-Hebrew peoples. Many chose to leave Egypt with the people of God. Many of the instructions recorded in Exodus and Leviticus make special reference to the non-Israelites, explaining how they could receive the blessings God had promised His people. Clearly, God never intended to limit the blessings of His covenant to one ethnic group. From the very beginning He intended that "all the families of the earth" would receive the blessings God wanted to give to His people.

Prevent us, O Lord, from selfishly seeing Your blessings as something rightfully ours by birth. Help us to understand that these blessings are to be shared with all the peoples of the earth.
source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!

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