Friday, July 20, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Ellel ministries!!

:D my time last last Friday-Sun @ Ellels' short course on 'discovering the real me' was yet another HUGE spiritual turning point!
last year at their course on 'restoring the broken spirit' He revealed the lie I'd taken into my identity that i am disabled ... and replaced the lie with the truth that He is The God who is ABLE to save
[see Daniel 3:17 -where my dad chose my name!] and since He lives in me, I AM ABLE!
so far from being disabled, He told me I'm actually enabled to be His beloved son & lover in His world!
... this time He exposed more layers of wounding - the lies I'd taken into my identity - 
- i am unworthy
- i'm unlovable
- i'm unknowable
- i am rejectable [worth rejecting by others, since i'd rejected myself]
- i am unaffirmable [what's in me worth affirming?]
- i am unlistenable [I spend most of my time interacting with others listening to them, without as much interest shown in me]
- i am never good enough / cannot ever do things right
- i am fat
- i am ugly 
- i am unattractive
- i am stupid
- i am clumsy 
- i am an accident waiting to happen
- i am a failure
.. He showed me the masks i hide behind to self-protect / avoid pain / get accepted / feel valuable 
[i.e. apathy / being spiritual / disconnected / withdrawing / busy in 'ministry']

BUT ... ! ! !
during the night of prayer ministry Papa spoke to my spirit in that vulnerable & safe space, without needing to hide behind all those self-protective masks the real me:
+ I am worthy, valuable, a treasure!! [uke 12:24, NLT]
+ I am accepted and acceptable! [Ephesians 1:6, KJV]
+ I am affirmed as a beloved son of Papa, well-pleasing to Him! [Matthew 3:17]
+ I am good enough! [1 Corinthians 5:21]
+ I am a raging success!
+ I am  awesome!
+ I am fearfully and wonderfully made, gloriously in The image of God! [Psalm 139:13-14]
+ I am loved and lovable!  [Isaiah 43:4]
+ I am beautiful, adorable!
+ I am stable! [Psalm 62:2,6,7]

I am knowable!
+ I am a masterpiece in the making! [Philippians 1:6]

... so the real Able continues to be revealed :D
.. i truly treasure your prayers that i learn to walk in my true identity, after a lifetime of living the lies of my false identity, i have a lot of unlearning to do!

i would love you to please, please let me know if you see me going back to my old ways / masks i once hid behind, and remind me of the truth of who God has made me to be 
.. i absolutely cannot do this alone!

~thank you~!

Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too OK!

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