Thursday, March 29, 2012

rejoice with me & pray for me!

Dear princes & princesses, sons & daughters of noble identity & royal destiny!!
Wow.. with all the falls, accidents & incidents that have happened, I never thought I’d ever reach 30!!
Like never before, I see every moment of life as a gift of Papa’s lavish grace & goodness!!

The fear of God and faith are closely related. People of faith are also realists, they just have their foundation in a superior reality.
-- p46 “When Heaven Invades Earth”: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson.

Though I’ve been battling feelings of relational discontent & disconnectedness
(general shallowness that seems to characterise the majority of my interactions with people … I thrive on the deeper stuff that really connects – the connection we were made for! .. maybe I’m just wanting too much too soon from people) .. yet even there Papa has been graciously faithful to meet my needs.. and i’m sure He will continue to!

Surely goodness & mercy have, and will keep following me, all the days of my life!!

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D at every point of our need Yahweh reveals Himself faithful to His Names!
– have you ever stopped to realise that the many names of Yahweh are often tied to some aspect of human need or other?
+ Provider (Jireh) + Healer (Rapha) + Victory (Nissi) + Sanctifier (M’Kaddesh) + Righteousness (Tsidkenu) + Shepherd (Rohi)

:D all He’s shown Himself to be to me & for me (not against me!) throughout every life experience!


* next Thursday – Monday (5-9/4) I'll be at the Darling Downs Easter convention in Warwick to volunteer at a table for gospel for Asia.  
*  I wouldn’t be shy about challenging people with this book!!
You _could_ also pray for people to be dawn to the table & curious, but I think Papa’s wanting me to ‘step out’ & be (a lot!) more proactive!!

* help me live a life of courage – telling the story of who I am with my whole heart!
* help me live more vulnerably so I can connect with people more deeply!

* help me not live too cautiously, avoiding all possible scenarios of pain!

* help me live out a life where Father is THE goal & purpose of my life!

* I’d make my home in Jesus’ love!

* grow me in greater intimate & organic connection with Jesus!

* my life be one of constantly bringing glory to Him!!

~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D
Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
Awesomely beautiful song: “My Heart, Your Home by Watermark-  
CHORUS 1  Come and make my heart Your home / Come and be everything I am and all I know / Search me through and through / ‘Till my heart becomes a home for You

CHORUS 2  A home for You, Lord / A home for You, Lord / Let everything I do open up / A door for You to come through / And that my heart would be a place / Where You want to be…

Bridge:  You are my portion, filling up everything /  You are the fortune, that’s causing my heart to sing / That it’s amazing… / That You could make Yourself at home with me /  CHORUS 1

What are we here for, to have a good time with the Christians or to save
sinners? – (Malla Moe) WE have The Words of Eternal Life .. WE have been
made to live again .. HOW could we ever keep them in?!
“ no one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone
who has not heard it once”
– Oswald J Smith
"If sinners be dammed, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies.
If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees.
Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for." C.H. Spurgeon
SPONSOR A NATIVE MISSIONARY TO NOT KEEP THE WORLD WAITING! GO TO: .. AWESOME free book thousands said has changed their lives!

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