Thursday, March 29, 2012

rejoice with me & pray for me!

Dear princes & princesses, sons & daughters of noble identity & royal destiny!!
Wow.. with all the falls, accidents & incidents that have happened, I never thought I’d ever reach 30!!
Like never before, I see every moment of life as a gift of Papa’s lavish grace & goodness!!

The fear of God and faith are closely related. People of faith are also realists, they just have their foundation in a superior reality.
-- p46 “When Heaven Invades Earth”: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson.

Though I’ve been battling feelings of relational discontent & disconnectedness
(general shallowness that seems to characterise the majority of my interactions with people … I thrive on the deeper stuff that really connects – the connection we were made for! .. maybe I’m just wanting too much too soon from people) .. yet even there Papa has been graciously faithful to meet my needs.. and i’m sure He will continue to!

Surely goodness & mercy have, and will keep following me, all the days of my life!!

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D at every point of our need Yahweh reveals Himself faithful to His Names!
– have you ever stopped to realise that the many names of Yahweh are often tied to some aspect of human need or other?
+ Provider (Jireh) + Healer (Rapha) + Victory (Nissi) + Sanctifier (M’Kaddesh) + Righteousness (Tsidkenu) + Shepherd (Rohi)

:D all He’s shown Himself to be to me & for me (not against me!) throughout every life experience!


* next Thursday – Monday (5-9/4) I'll be at the Darling Downs Easter convention in Warwick to volunteer at a table for gospel for Asia.  
*  I wouldn’t be shy about challenging people with this book!!
You _could_ also pray for people to be dawn to the table & curious, but I think Papa’s wanting me to ‘step out’ & be (a lot!) more proactive!!

* help me live a life of courage – telling the story of who I am with my whole heart!
* help me live more vulnerably so I can connect with people more deeply!

* help me not live too cautiously, avoiding all possible scenarios of pain!

* help me live out a life where Father is THE goal & purpose of my life!

* I’d make my home in Jesus’ love!

* grow me in greater intimate & organic connection with Jesus!

* my life be one of constantly bringing glory to Him!!

~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D
Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
Awesomely beautiful song: “My Heart, Your Home by Watermark-  
CHORUS 1  Come and make my heart Your home / Come and be everything I am and all I know / Search me through and through / ‘Till my heart becomes a home for You

CHORUS 2  A home for You, Lord / A home for You, Lord / Let everything I do open up / A door for You to come through / And that my heart would be a place / Where You want to be…

Bridge:  You are my portion, filling up everything /  You are the fortune, that’s causing my heart to sing / That it’s amazing… / That You could make Yourself at home with me /  CHORUS 1

What are we here for, to have a good time with the Christians or to save
sinners? – (Malla Moe) WE have The Words of Eternal Life .. WE have been
made to live again .. HOW could we ever keep them in?!
“ no one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone
who has not heard it once”
– Oswald J Smith
"If sinners be dammed, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies.
If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees.
Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for." C.H. Spurgeon
SPONSOR A NATIVE MISSIONARY TO NOT KEEP THE WORLD WAITING! GO TO: .. AWESOME free book thousands said has changed their lives!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

:D the beautiful day spent catching up with Yoshi yesterday!

.. he mentioned something of note - when he came to accept he wouldn't become a christian, he felt quite comfortable about that ...
am i "wasting my time" on unripe soil??
but i feel to 'abandon' him now would only add to the already bad impression he has of christians. 

.. the journey & friendship continues! we're meeting next Tuesday afternoon. please keep us in prayer!!

* deliver him from the spirits of martial arts that keeps him in bondage so he can find true peace, rest & salvation in Jesus Christ!
* keep praying with me for God to bring the breakthrough in his life - personally, family, nationally!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

praise & pray for english corner camp! [23-25/3/12]

yup.. it's on again this weekend .. i'm not going this time .. but can still support it in prayer!! :D

:D giving another weekend away with precious souls in the midst of His beautiful creation!

:D all He's going to do in & through the camp!

past students have often remembered these camps as *the* highlight of their time in Australia!)


* in all things, CHRIST BE EXALTED! and as He is, "He'd draw all men to Himself"

* bring the students & leaders HE wants to come along!

* He'd arrange Divine appointments & eternally-significant interactions in abundance!

* the Easter story presented through speech & drama would really sink into the hearts of those who come, to bear much fruit to the Fathers' glory~!

* the Son would rise & shine especially in those yet to receive a revelation of The only Saviour!

* use His children at the camp to show AND tell the gospel in 3-D, living colour!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

pray for Yoshi[JAP]

how may i pray 4 u? i'm spending day with Yoshi 2day, pray 4 Him to do the humanly impossible work of saving him & his family! thanks so much! he is the God of 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dear princesses & princes, daughters & sons of noble identity & royal destiny!!

have you seen this? go to
 & check out the

video on the world prayer assembly. EXCITES my intercessor heart to no end!!

especially the section with the kids .. WOAH!!!

do spread the word ...

.. anyone wanna go? :")

Prayer leaders, Intercessors and praying people of all ages are invited to a once-in-a generation gathering, an encounter with the Lord God Almighty, together with Christian leaders from around the world at the World Prayer

Assembly (May 14-18, 2012) will take place in the midst of a spiritual revival that is taking place in the nation of Indonesia. Millions of Indonesians are now connected in prayer for their nation. 24/7 "prayer "towers" are operating in many cities and over two hundred thousand trained child intercessors are crying out to God for the transformation of their nation.

All of this is taking place in the largest Muslim-populated country.
The Lord is moving in this vast archipelago of 17,000 islands with many diverse people groups. The Church has united in an extraordinary way, creating an environment for spiritual and societal transformation that is spreading across the region. Thousands of prayer, mission and marketplace leaders, along with on-fire youth and children, will gather in Jakarta to seek the Lord together in a new paradigm for an international congress. Like the five leaders at Antioch (Acts 13:1-3), we will "let God be God" and seek Him together for His strategies of "prayer-action" for our hurting world.

It was the first International Prayer Assembly, almost 30 years ago in Seoul, Korea in 1984 where the seeds for the current global prayer movement were sown. Korea will serve as the co-host for the WPA with Indonesia.

Special track sessions will create a forum for participants to focus on international issues, cutting-edge models of ministry, and ministry spheres for which they have a passion. And, while there will be world-renowned presenters and facilitators for both plenary and track sessions we want to most importantly hear from the Lord Himself.

The WPA will be led inter-generationally, with youth and children helping to facilitate many sessions. All speakers will share only briefly and in a way that facilitates our time of encounter with God and one another in prayer.

There will also be strong youth and children tracks. This will help launch the next generation of men and women of God to lead the prayer and mission movements to impact the nations. We believe the WPA will be a stepping stone to the fulfilment of the prophet's prediction that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea "and be a direct answer of Jesus' prayer in John 17 as Christ's people unite in prayer around the world.

On May 17, we will gather in the national stadium with 100,000 others, including 20,000 children and 20,000 youth. Our Indonesian colleagues anticipate 200 cities of Indonesia to host simultaneous gatherings, connected by live television. Tens of millions more will join us across the world by satellite TV that evening. As one of the largest prayer meetings in
history, it has the potential to change our planet in fundamental ways.

Please consider joining us in Jakarta for this unique time in the presence of the Lord. More information is available on the website You can also register at that website. If you have any questions, please contact

Saturday, March 10, 2012

rejoice with me & pray for me!

Dear princes & princesses, sons & daughters of noble identity & royal destiny!!

Loving people is Christ’s agenda, and surrender of my own agenda makes me available for His.-- “When Heaven Invades Earth”: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson.

I’m really looking forward to walking out the truth of all He's gave me at the identity & destiny seminar + the freedom conference!
. . . elephants have no need to be scared by mice. - the elephant inherently has WAAAYYY more power, over the mouse.  it only needs to stomp on the mouse!
This is a picture of WE who are in Christ - spiritual giants & our enemy is but a defeated dwarf, pipsqueak mouse, over whom we have authority & dominion over & can just make a pancake of! ;)

.. but far too many of us have the wrong  view - as if we're the dwarfs & the enemy is the giant ...
may we  walk in our noble identity & ROYAL destiny as a son / daughter of The King of kings, with all the authority & dominion He’s given us~! :) .. I’m sure the enemy would love to keep us from realising the truth of our true identity so we won’t walk in it :[


.. I had a sleep study on 7/3 in hopes that it’d reveal the cause of my low sleep quality.. but I’m seriously doubtful as they had to wake me several times to fiddle with wires attached to me! :S
Thank Papa for Medicare or I’d have to fork out $500 for it :P

.. I was part of the  intercessors team for the recent Charles Kraft freedom conference – major major spiritual warfare raging, during which my whole body broke out in crazy itching like I’ve never experienced before L  .. hives?! Anyone know of any good natural cures?  

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D He’s given me NO reason to fear intimacy anymore!! Because He has seen all of me, naked with all shame & guilt I once called my own, and He didn’t hurt me in my vulnerability, but drew near to me to be a safe place, accepting & loving me for who I really am!!

:D His delays aren’t denials but opportunities to bring greater glory to God (And grow my faith in You)!!

:D as an ambassador of Heaven’s Kingdom on earth, I don’t need to ask God to invade circumstances but I can command mountains to be removed as I pray in Jesus’ Name!!

:D the incredible authority we’ve been given as kids of The King to live in dominion over all that opposes His Kingdom!


* help me make good connections & deep friendships/ Kingdom partnerships in EMT!

* I’d keep live in my identity as a beloved Son of Abba in whom He is well pleased, and not out of a false identity of devaluing myself!

* The trademark of my life would be visible intimacy with Papa!

~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D

Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!

"Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle." Missionary C.T. Studd (1860-1931)

Thursday, March 08, 2012

***UPDATE*** pray for Yoshi[JAP]

~thanks for praying~!  
:D praise! :D 
:D giving him physical birth to life & our great day spent hanging out today! 
* deliver him from the demons of violent cruelty  that he's taken on as his 'nature' :O

* keep working through the challenges key people in his life are going through to bring Yoshi to Himself!
* Papa give Yoshi to Jesus so he can come to know Him!
 .. Papa's teaching me to just love him as a person, not an evangelistic project, to learn the love of a friend which in the past I'd often neglected to show :(
* help me to love him well as a friend, but also take up every opportunity to show & tell The Good News of Jesus!!
* give him, his family & his people new birth to spiritual life!!