Thursday, September 29, 2011

rejoice with me & pray for me!

My dear precious siblings in Jesus:

How long has it been since you last shared the good News of Jesus with someone?

I was challenged by this question through the bible storytelling weekend.
Jesus gave them a command to obey: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. This is a command, not a suggestion. “Interest in missions is not an elective in God’s university of grace. It is something in which every disciple is expected to major.” (Ironside)

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D keeping me secure in the miracle of His daily delights in me because He made me!

:D everything I’ve ever wanted that Abba, in love, did not give me! :D

simple things in life i thank God for:

* normal bowel motion!

* being able to eat food without it exploding out the other end!

* painful lessons learnt to break bad habits!

* sleep that’s not broken up with crazy running to the toilet!!!

I’m happy :D ~thank You Jesus~!

:D I am NOT just a hurting person destined to live in the broken-ness of my past!!!

:D I am a covenant child of God being made whole and walking into my true destiny!!

:D teaching me more about who I am & my singlehood!

:D I am so much more than just my disability, inadequacies, weaknesses, past failures & future fears!

:D all my “failures” are really opportunities to learn & grow!

:D my greatest wickedness can be redeemed by God!

:D My past mistakes don’t disqualify me, but train me for His high call!


* help me see interruptions as opportunities and not obstructions (opportunities for Jesus to be at work in so much more than I could have planned for the day to bring life, restoration, dignity, worth and value to someone!

* Help me be able to live each day fully using all of the strength, power and grace that He desires to give me

* boldness to seize every opportunity to share a bible story as His Spirit leads!

[i hold myself back way too much!]

* help me move forward in faith when He calls me to move!

* Help me look beyond the darkness and impossibility and see possibilities in Him and Him alone.

* Help me trust that He is there and will always be there, even if I fail!!

* Help me to desire above all else to walk day by day within the provisions of His covenant blessings.

* lead me the right avenues where i can apply all i've learnt, to encourage God's people & share Him with those still outside his kingdom!

* help me to not put circumstances before Him!
.. disability.. limitations .. Inadequacies... Weaknesses...

I DON'T want to keep quiet about my Lord Jesus, yet too often I do! :(

* PLEASE HELP ME! To proclaim Christ loudly & proudly!!! .. I’ve been given The Greatest News to tell to the whole world!!!

~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D

please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!


love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D

The one concern of the devil

is to keep Christians from praying.

He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.

He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.

We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot - - and start seeing it as the steering wheel!

-- S.D. Gordon <-- great site to pray daily & impact eternity!

For a free book that thousands of people have said has changed their lives,

click here-  ..REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!


@PrayerChristian said...

Thanks for the reminder to spread the good news! I'm praying with you and our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. May He bless us, and lead us to greater faith, hope and love.

reflector said...

thsnk you dear sibling in Christ! maty He open our eyes up to see how GREATLY He HAS ALREADY blessed us!! do you know about this site? :) + have you read the free book i have a pcture link to at the end of most of my posts? :)