My dear precious siblings in Jesus:
A great tidbit:
God does not want us to be continually living in our past, but to live with Him each moment in the present, where He will be to us all we need.
I’m off to Sydney tomorrow [14/4] for an Ellel ministries seminar on 'restoring the broken spirit' from the 15-17th =)
:D rejoice with me! :D
:D daily refreshing me through His Word – 1 Kings has never brought me such abundant hope as a sinner saturated in His grace, as I keep turning to Him!
:D giving me good [?!] sleep at the English Corner camp even though there was a rocking snorer in my room .. I lay awake for a long time, eventually prayed myself to sleep [!]
:D giving me a quiet room all to myself on the second night of English Corner camp for a beautiful nights’ rest!
I really covet your prayers for me at this seminar;
* I’d embrace & enter into all God has for me, that I’ve shied away from all these yrs [!!]
* i'd have Quality rest during the seminar so I’ll be fully alert & receptive to all He has to show & tell me!
.. Then I’ll be taking two weeks off to properly process everything covered in the seminar, and spend LOTS OF QUANTITY + QUALITY TIME with Abba Yahweh. (greatly looking forward to it!)
please pray it will be such a time, and I not give into idleness!
what a joy it is to be serving The wisest, Richest, Most Generous King of all kings!!! :D
please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D
The one concern of the devil
is to keep Christians from praying.
He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tyre in the boot -
- and start seeing it as the steering wheel!
-- S.D. Gordon <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!!
For a free book that thousands of people have said has changed their lives,
click on this link- ..REVOLUTIONISED my life too!!
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