Saturday, June 12, 2010

praise & pray 4 for E.C.C. trip!

another part of His body in the Sunshine Coast has a heart to reach out to the international students around them & we [the leadership team of our English Conversation Class] have been invited to journey with them!

:D giving His heart to reach out to the lost internationals He's brought to them!

* we'd be empty, submitted channels for His life & love to flow through, to encourage & bless our brothers & sisters in the Sunshine Coast!
* much fruit would come from their labours to the glory of The Father!! 

1 comment:

Cindy Wei Lu said...

hoho,it's a privilege to meet you guys on S.S.C.wish you all have had a great time here,May God continun blessing your ministry in Brisbane. jia you! o(∩_∩)o