Thursday, January 10, 2008

praise & pray for "Planet Shakers"

- going "FISHING" with some from the evangelism group @ Planet Shakers for the 11.30 session today.


:D despite the deception & heresies that permeate in this age, His truth prevails!


* empower us who're weak, frail, shy, timid ... to share the gospel boldly & UNashedmedly to powerfully save those who believe (Romans 1:16!)

* drive us in thankfulness for the Cross & love for the lost to "preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15)

* have mercy on the youth of this generation, open their eyes to the deception, half-truths & heresies & give them grace to walk away from all falsehood to embrace God's Truth in all its fulness!

* raise up more laborers for the harvest especially to youth around the world!

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