Thursday, May 17, 2012

rejoice with me & pray for me!

Dear princes & princesses, sons & daughters of noble identity & royal destiny!!
I wish I could have something more encouraging to send out .. but I’ll just be honest & just say I would love prayers please!!
I’m getting discouraged .. I'm maaaajooorly sick with a cold / flu at the moment ..
Yet again, I’m so sick of getting sick..
I seem to have a habit of catching colds and SOOO wanna drop it!
I'm discouraged because I received prayer for healing.. while others were getting healed, i wasn't.
not fully. :"( 
obviously there’s no problem with His healing power, so it's easy to start slowly drowning in a pool of "what’s wrong with me?" negative-feedback-loops =(

lately I’ve been moving into discovering the 'real' me  ... like I’ve been putting on too many masks for so long that I’ve lost who I really am as a human & so cant fully 'connect' with others as a normal human .. so i'm planning to go to Sydney in July for that purpose.
Here’s some gold I received from PapaGod: it’s time I take in & believe for myself the encouragement I give to others!!! I AM ABLE! I CAN DO IT! BE BRAVE!! I AM SUPER! I AM AWESOME!! I AM NOT GUILTY! I AM NOT CONDEMNED!!

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D hope flows through the land of suffering & produces he purest gold – a thread all throughout scripture, history & nature! !!

:D Jesus emptied Himself so completely that we might be completely rich in Him!!

:D He never picks duds!! He picked me, so I AM NOT A DUD!!!

:D giving me favour for cheap flights to Sydney in July to go to the course with Ellel on ‘discovering the 'real' me’ XD

* help me to witness of Jesus’ resurrection by showing that He lives in me!!!

* make me a WHOLE person - spirit soul & body, not disconnected or fragmented in any way!

* I’d stop thinking, saying & believing things about myself that are no longer true! [1 Corinthians 5:17!!]

* I’d keep being glad for grace (rejoicing in the Lord always) in adversity, anxiety & pursuing godly ambitions!

* I’d refuse to focus on the negative but instead focus on all He is & wants!

* I’d continue to be glad for God’s grace in everything & for everything!

* I’d get out of my lazy self & apply myself to that which He wants me to apply myself to!

* keep me in this place of  obedience, in Your Word, prayer, wanting to do Your will, using sanctified common sense, doing what Jesus would do & doing what I can to rely on You!!

* keep me from the sin of relational disengagement. [more than being anti-social, but deliberately choosing not to relate & love people  ...
* He reveals the root of this sin so it can be dealt a death blow!]

* I’d not be merely interested in supporting people in their mess, but seeing their lives transformed  completely by the power of Jesus’ Name!!
* I’d not settle for less than what He has for me!

*give me sanctified common sense!!

A song that really resonates deep with my spirit..
“Shipwreck” by Starfield
~thank you~!

What a joy it is to be journeying with Abba Yahweh, Jesus The Son by His Holy Spirit!! XD 8D =D

Please tell me how I can best support you before His throne of Grace too!


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