Wednesday, June 30, 2010

praise & pray for Jamie, Nell, Chioko, Amber, Laura, Sushi, Peter, James, Cherry, Kang, Chuck, Sunny [KOR, TW, JAP]

- had lunch with Tiger - maybe too much time was spent on meaningless chatter & eating ratherthan getting to The Most Important Issue - ETERNITY!
*sigh* . . . 
did leave him with an 'eternity' tract before we parted ways, but felt like 'if this issuch important news to share, why did i wait till the end to share it?!"
*sigh* . . . :(

other names are those i met through English corner + a TESOL graduation yesterday!
[discussed Leadership -- intended to getto but ran out of time :( to point to Jesus, the radical servant-leader who gave His life to serve us!]


:D our leader gave His life to serve us where we most needed to be served - to have our sins forgiven!

- wasn't so sure if i should go to the TESOL graduation or not - no easy car ride was provided & had doubts as i hiked there in the cold .. but somehow felt led to go  & Father wouldn't disappoint :)

:D Father NEVER disappoints! provided much encouragement through other teachers - always much needed as i find it far too easy to get my eyes off Christ & onto myself :[:D bringing them here!


* convict these precious souls of sin & their desparate need to be forgiven & find forgiveness in Jesus Christ~!

* we'd see these dear lost souls in heaven, loving Jesus much because they received forgiveness of sins, along with others who're there because they didn't keep the treasure of Jesus to themselves!!

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see - look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"

* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English to add to the multi-cultural beauty of Christ's Bride, The Church!

* have mercy on them & send them back 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* provide them with ETERNAL safety & security,  friendships / accomodation / jobs/ that will go towards the ends prayed for above :)

* raise up laborers for the harvest to help in these English Corners!


Monday, June 28, 2010

praise & pray for Sunny, Jessica & Tiger [KOR]

met Sunny, Jessica & Tiger at conversation corner last Thursday.  
Sunny seems to be "culturally Christian" - i askedher some pointed questions & she doesn't seem to be so sure she has a relationship with Jesus nor asurance regarding her eternal destiny.
please pray for her as The Spirit leads!

we all went for a cheap dinner afterwards - at the end of which i got talking to Jessica who has a christian background but obviously wasn't one.
i sprung the all important Question on her, "where will you go after you die?" (i use this all the time now, as i did with Sunny, above) which led into an opportuinity to share the gospel with her. she has christian friends who have also repeatedly asked her to "believe in Jesus or go to hell" (as she put it) . . . being young & foolish, she had the false notion she could wait until 5 minutes before she died and then turn from her sins to trust Jesus.
i urged her to see that life is much too short & unpedictable to make such a HUGE gamble!
please pray for her as The Spirit leads!

 Tiger is leaving soon, God willing we can meet before he goes. - please pray for divine ppointments!

he can't express what he believes ...

pray for the unreached!!

Just then His disciples returned and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman.” John 4:27

Jesus had a way of blowing His followers out of their backward way of thinking. In the minds of most Jewish men of that time, the woman at the well was not from the right ethnic group or gender. Why waste your time talking with a woman? But Jesus, the Son of God, understood that women are just as important as men. Could this be an important message that people need to internalize in today’s world?

Pray that leaders of unreached muslim people groups will soon follow Jesus so closely that they will realize the need to change the way women are treated.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger/ breast cancer / child health & litercy~!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

rejoice with me & pray for me~!!

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D The Great Adventure Life is when you're walking with the King of Kings!
- was at a prayer meeting for New Tribes Mission this afternoon (see

and that led to going to see the Male Coice Choir.

:D the wonderful way music can communicate The Gospel & Lift High The Name of Jesus!*PRAY*

now ... i'm praying if i should join this male choir - it's a good thing to do, but is it *The Best thing* He wants me to do?!
though i love how they use songs as an evangelistic tool, (i don't mean to sound racist or anything) it is a choir made up of Aussie folk, performing to mostly Aussie audiences.
- i have no qualms about that, but just doubt my effectiveness in ministering the gospel to Aussies. :S
then again, Father might think differently ;)
i mean, i love singing (especially to / about Jesus) and God has blessed me with a deep singing voice, . . . but this article has shaped my thinking a bit ..
i would treasure your prayers / wisdom about this~!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Taking the gospel to a people who have never heard it is demanding—physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all spiritually. And the harvest may only come after months and years of sowing seed. Satan’s major weapons—discouragement, division, disease, and delay—are often aimed at those who labor on the front lines to advance the gospel. The apostle Paul needed the prayers of the saints, just like frontier missionaries today.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to refresh workers among the unreached people. Pray that the Lord will raise up faithful believers to help produce jobs that will bless the Lematangs.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger/ breast cancer / child health & litercy~!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

praise & pray for Hua, Osiris, Flora, Vivi, Jane, Nathan, Takanori, Creya, Kim, Linda, Atsushi, Kei [VTNM , MXC, TW, KOR, HK, JAP,

those i met through English corner yesterday - discussed Jesus and The Tax Collector - End of Financial Year


:D Jesus came to look for & save people who are lost!

:D Jesus, The Son of God, forgive the sin for all who turn away from themselves & turn to Him, trusting fully in Him!

:D God brought them here!

* PRAY - as The Spirit leads you!

* Linda - showing me a bit *too* much attention than i'm comfortable with ... it's great that she's spiritually opening up, but it may be more appropriate a sister ministers to her..  
* please pray for one to be raised up!!
* open a way for her to go to a good club [a.k.a. "church"] & be found by Jesus! [living in the city .. lacking money for expensive public transport ..]
* show them their desperately lost,  sin-sick condition, bring them to the cross & throw the full weight of their confidence on HIs mercy!

* may Jesus seek & save their lost souls for His glory!

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs that will go to the ends prayed for above :)

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"

* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* keep providing enough teachers/ helpers to keep small group sizes for better quality time with students!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…. Psalm 23:4
Every day, the Muko-Muko people walk through the valley of death, face evil, and they are rightfully afraid. Without the Lord as their vanguard and rear guard, they have no protection from destructive spirits. This is one more reason why we pray for such peoples. They need the Lord!

Pray that the Muko-Muko and other folk Islamic peoples in Sumatra will surrender to the One who can guide and protect them.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Friday, June 18, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

And pray for us, too, that God might open a door for our message. Colossians 4:3

We are often tempted to bemoan closed doors—areas where the clear proclamation of the gospel is prohibited or otherwise greatly hindered. In a certain sense, closed doors are God’s responsibility. We must remember that we face doors, not walls, and that they are only closed—not bolted, locked or jammed. Right now, the door for the Abung people is not wide enough. The few Christians they know of are from the dominant Javanese people, whom many Abungs consider enemies. But the door may be flung wide open by the faithful, believing prayer of God’s people.

Pray that the Lord will open doors for the clear proclamation of His truth among the Abung people of Sumatra.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

praise & pray for Atsushi, Alice, Kei, Amy, Kalvin [JAP, KOR, TW]

those i met through English corner on Tuesday! [discussed The World Cup - determination]


:D God is with us in times of trouble, lifting us up again when we're knocked down!

:D making all nations & deciding to bringing SO MANY those from overseas here at this time in their lives!
:D faithfully providing enough teachers/ helpers to keep small group sizes for better quality time with stuidents =D

* give them revelation of Himself that they'd come & submit their lives to The Only Saviour!

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs that will go to this end!

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"

* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* keep providing enough teachers/ helpers to keep small group sizes for better quality time with stuidents!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

praise & pray 4 for E.C.C. trip!

another part of His body in the Sunshine Coast has a heart to reach out to the international students around them & we [the leadership team of our English Conversation Class] have been invited to journey with them!

:D giving His heart to reach out to the lost internationals He's brought to them!

* we'd be empty, submitted channels for His life & love to flow through, to encourage & bless our brothers & sisters in the Sunshine Coast!
* much fruit would come from their labours to the glory of The Father!! 

praise & pray for the M.E.R. (Marriage Enrichment Retreat) - THIS weekend! [12-14/6]

dear brothers & sisters~!

the battle is ON & the battle is FIERCE~!

:D the marriages that've been saved/enriched through these retreats!

:D NOTHING the enemy tries to do to destroy God's art in marriage will prevail!

:D the team of leading couples involved, united in heart & purpose!


* keep all registered couples free to go to the M.E.R & have no last-minute surprises pop up preventing them from going or refusing to participate halfway / dropping out before completing the weekend [as has often happened!]

* give OPEN, TEACHABLE hearts & ears for all couples attending to hear & receive God's Word that bears fruit to His glory, not resisting the Holy Spirit's refining fire & process of making beauty through breaking!!

* lasting life change & lifelong application of all that'll be learnt!

* marriages would change to look more like earthly reflections of the Divine marriage between Christ & His church!

* Christ be made to look great through the marriages of His people!

* keep drawing unsaved spouses to Jesus through the love, life-and-word witness of their saved spouses & friends [as has often happened!]

* thwart every evil scheme of the stealer, killer & destroyer of love & lives, that Jesus would have the manifest pre-eminence in ALL THINGS!

. . . thank God we're on the winning side~!


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

raise & pray for Kang, Ryoko, Terry, Linda, Gabriel, JOng, Wilson, Michie [KOR, TW, JAP]

those i met through English corner on Tuesday! [discussed World Cup- the cup of Life]


:D Jesus is The Best of All Coaches [The Good Shepherd] who fills the cup of our lives to overflowing!

:D making all nations & deciding to bringing SO MANY those from overseas here at this time in their lives!


* give them grace to come & submit their lives to The Good Shepherd before time runs out!

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs that will go to this end


* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"

* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* keep providing enough teachers/ helpers to keep small group sizes for better quality time with stuidents! time with students

Saturday, June 05, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

For we did get as far as you with the gospel of Christ…. Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you. 2 Corinthians 10:14-16

Was the apostle Paul too proud to preach the gospel where it had already been proclaimed? No, that was not the issue. He simply wanted to make the best use of his life and spend his energies in planting the church where it had not yet been established. In today’s world, it is important that someone gives priority to those who do not yet have a gospel witness. That is why we need networks like SEALINK that focus on the unreached people groups.

Pray that the Lord will use SEALINK to reach those in Southeast Asia who are currently beyond the gospel.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Praise & pray for Yoshi (JAP)

Yoshi returned from holidays in Taiwan & Japan recently .. we had a good time catching up today~!

It was good to listen to him & just be there for him, pointing him to Jesus, who Alone can deal with the many stresses & fears he has in life!

this is the longest standing friendship with anyone i've had since serving in English Corner - one muchly treasured!!



Wednesday, June 02, 2010

raise & pray for Isis, Charles, Kevin, Lionel, Corinne, Jason, Doni, Tak [KOR, TW, MRTS, RI]

those i met through English corner on Tuesday! [discussed GIfts - Queen's Birthday coming up!]


:D giving us the Best of All Gifts - Relationship with Himself through Jesus!

:D making all nations & deciding to bringing SO MANY those from overseas here at this time in their lives!


* give them grace to see, Ttresure This All-Desirable, All-Glorious Gift Father offers them in Christ & accept it before time runs out!

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs that will go to the ends prayed for above :)

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"
* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* keep providing enough teachers/ helpers to reduce group sizes for better quality time with students or give us better skills in dealing with big groups!!!!

pray for the unreached!!

Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 1 Corinthians 9:19

It is hard for people to share Christ with those from their own culture. Yet it is even harder to share Him with those from vastly different cultures such as those in Sumatra, Indonesia. Today we are praying for a Western couple who gave up their careers to minister to a Muslim people group in Sumatra. It means sometimes living without the comforts of running water and reliable electricity. However, like Jim Elliot and other workers have done through the centuries, they were willing to sacrifice what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose. What a great deal!

Pray for more Western [& indigenous] missionaries like JD and Sarah to be willing to make themselves servants of those they work with for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom across [the remaining unreached peopleS of the world].

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!