.. always valuing your prayers as we journey on toward Him! :)definitely not an easy journey but always exciting =) sorry if this mail doesn't really 'fill you in' on what's been going on in his precious life He's given me, if you want to know more just ask~!my life's an open book ;)
I was reflecting on mothers day... on the incredible unfailing love of my mother towards me, and I was struggling to know how to show love to mum who loves me *so* greatly
... [to me] it seems all i do is give her more work to do [more messes to clean, dirty clothes to wash etc etc]
Yet all she does is give of herself & pour out her life & love so I can live & be loved …
I was almost in tears over this :'(
then i had one of those God-thoughts that maybe it's not about me & my ability to love mum. maybe it's more about me living in her love & being loved that matters more!
Silly me & my stupid self-focussed-ness!
I’ve also been doubting my motives for serving in international students’ ministry … :S
They all think i‘m so kind / nice / blah blah but inside i know the wicked corruption that still lurks in my heart ..
... and yet somehow though I can’t see it, Father is in the process of redeeming all that to make something beautiful, something good from my life .. wow, all glory to Him~!
:D rejoice with me~! :D
:D Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! We are loved by the Father just as Jesus is loved. No one has ever been more loved than we are! We are deeply, wonderfully, gloriously loved by a God who is love! How favoured we are! How privileged we are to be the focus of His love— certainly not because we have earned it or deserved it, but simply by His very gracious choice.
-- John Beaumont www.hislife.co.uk
:D He never skimps in showing love towards us!!
:D He doesn't leave me groping around trying to find some way to please Him. He speaks so particularly, and asks for that which is within my capacity to give.
:D He doesn't ask that I be ceaselessly rushing here & there, but shows the simple way in which I may minister to Him, to my own great delight!
:D though we cannot live trouble free lives, but we can live worry free lives!!
* He’d still the inner storms in me so I can know inward calm. & be released to walk with a gentle and quiet spirit!
* i’d give absolute priority to an ongoing, intimate love relationship with Jesus!
* I’d give Him sweet affection, grow in a continuing attraction and honouring and appreciating Him!
* i’d be comfortable in His nearness, in His smile and in His favour.
* my supreme joy would be to respond to His love, marvel at His beauty and bless Him a thousand times that He ever chose me to be His!!
* I’d reach out for new and fuller ways to express my love to Jesus everyday!
* I’d keep clear of all that weakens my spiritual appetite, dulls my awareness of His presence and increases emphasis on the natural rather than spiritual values as though your life depended on it!!
* open my eyes to see fresh beauty in His tender care and over-ruling grace and so be kept from becoming blind to His supreme beauty!
* I’d desire is to be so worshipping my precious Lord Jesus in everything I do day by day, that an aroma of Christ will pervade my own life—all my attitudes, thoughts, reactions, my sense of values, my choices and my areas of fulfilment so that He is wonderfully glorified in the showing forth of His life through me.
* I’d yield to His molding of my life to these ends!
* mature, deepen and increase in tenderness and sensitivity as years go by, my love relationship with Jesus!
thanks~!! please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
if Father so leads you to be my regular prayer supporter, do check out this prayer blog every now & then :)
Looking forward to hearing from you how i can best support you in prayer & praises!!
love Aye-bul, Your Friend in Prayer =D
The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying.
He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
We have to stop looking at prayer as the spare tire in the trunk and start seeing it as the steering wheel.-- S.D. Gordon
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