Monday, May 31, 2010

rejoice with me & pray for Kesson, Lucas, Andrew, Tang, SNS + Chinese lady~!! :|

- met Kesson at the train station last night, at first i passed him by, but felt like i should go back & talk to him .. after a brief chat, which didn't seem to go anywhere spiritually, i gave him an eternity' tract before he got off the train.. no idea what Father will do with it! i'm praying He'd save Kesson & his whole family!!
..  after another night of little sleep, i wasn't expecting to make it through today like i did - today i was acting in a drama for the final Sunday of our missions month, (which drew much "praise" afterwards - i was even told i should become a preacher!)

. . . i wish my fiery acting as a passionate missionary was more true in real life! :(

... i mean, i can put on a good performance for a skit, but in normal encounters with people, i hardly have the same excited passion in calling them to turn from their sins to Jesus, The One True Creator god who Alone loves them and can save them! :"~(
sad ...

. . . then i had a Baptism of 2 sisters & a brother, (which is always beautifully encouraging,  witnessing Fathers' beautiful work in their lives!) 

:D the opportunity to talk to Lucas, a family member of one of the sisters who was baptised, & challenging him about where He stood with God (not sure if i did it in the best way though, he said he felt quite nervous! :S)

* may He get right with God before it's too late!

. . . then IF i had the energy to, go to SNS [Sunday Night Sessions for International Students]

*blurgh* .. dived into gross sin & couldn't help but feel "disqualified" from being His witness - but since when has sin disqualified me in the past?

once again i was left speechless & amazed at how His grace keeps on saving a wretch like me!
went to have a nap & felt wasted!  :| 

the last thing i felt like doing was going out again!
. . . but . . .


after a rocker of a sermon this morning on giving our EVERYTHING SO EVERYONE CAN HAVE A CHANCE TO HEAR THE GOSPEL,
the very last thing i could do is stay home & "sleep in The Light" while so many in my city are _lost_ & dying in darkness!

i'm sick & tired of how i so often let myself listen to awesome, challenging sermons, only to go away without obeying what Father has clearly spoken to me!

:D giving me strength to go to SNS even though i was *totally* "feeling" like NOT going!

"We are ruled by Christ's love for us. We are certain that if one person died for everyone else, then all of us have died.

And Christ did die for all of us. He died so we would no longer live for ourselves, but for the one who died and was raised to life for us." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

... O that His love would rule me completely!

:D giving me the grace to talk to Andrew, waiting at the bus stop for the same bus i was told to catch to get to where i needed- a bus i've never caught before!
. . .  sad to say, it feels like ages since i last talked to strangers at bus stops / on the bus! >_< 
- but God's Word to me this morning was that we are part of The Greatest Kingdom - The Greatest Cause & movement of all HIStory - we simply need to announce to people that something has happened - Jesus died & rose again, and all who repent & trust Him will be saved - we have nothing to fear!
Jesus gave everything for everyone - He expects us to give nothing less!

-  Andrew was from a Baptist background, but a "non-practicing christian"
- - now does that sound like an oxymoron to anyone else?! he was unsure about his eternal destiny & also seemed uncomfortable talking about it

. . . left him with an eternity' tract before i got off the bus, challenging him about where He stood with God.
* may Father have mercy on HIm!

then at SNS i got talking with Tang- who reads the Bible when life gets too hard & receives peace from what He reads, or when He's asking the big Questions in life & looking for answers. i ecouraged him to keep getting to know The Person of Jesus - being the Source of Life, He has all the answers!

. . . we continued our series looking at the deadly sins, this time on 'sloth'.
:D though i was as guilty of this as anyone else, thankful that His Grace & mercy had the last Word for the night through a beautiful song by Sovereign Grace music (see
- going through the words of the song with the students was a beautiful open door to sharing The Good News with them!

.. brothers & sisters, we have nothing to fear!!
something's happened to take away all fear -
Jesus owns us ALL- so let's give Him our ALL (not excluding our cash!) - these were the closing challenges from today's sermon :)

.. do pray for SNS reaching out to precious souls every Sunday night - more teachers/ helpers always needed!

- i met Tim at SNS (from Tw, 3 days fresh in Aus) .. praying i can serve him with the gospel even though his English & my Chinese are as bad as each other! :P

- then i met a Chinese lady on the bus home who looked like a traveller / new arrival in Aus [with big trolley suitcase and all].. after chatting it turns out she's been here for 6 years! :P - and is from the same province my grandparents were from (Fujian)

she's buddhist, not happy or peaceful in life . . . wish i didn't waste so much time on small talk so i could've shared with her more on sin, righteousness, God's judgment & Jesus' all-saving work on the cross for her soul!
when will i learn to quit wasting time when people's eternal destinies are at stake?!

also left her with an eternity' tract before she got off the bus, telling her it was an impotrtant message for her. may Father draw her into His love before it's too late!

:D running low on gospel tracts & travelling much more recently on public transport = more opportunity to trust His abundant & perfect provision!! =D

Friday, May 28, 2010

You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. Ezekiel 34:4

People have always used their power to get what they want from weaker nations. In today’s reading, we learned about the Kaxixo people who are having their homeland invaded by those who want to harvest natural resources. When will they hear about the “invasion” of Christ, who did not take like other invaders, but instead gave His life to free them from sin?

Pray that soon the Kaxixo people will hear of this “invader” who will some day bring righteousness and justice to the earth.
source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

praise & pray for Jamie, Chris, Max, Cindy, Patrick, Zoe, Yvonne, Davis, Wilson, Kevin, Kian . .. [KOR, TW, HK]

those i met through English corner yesterday - discussed National Day of Thanksgiving + the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers & only 1 of them - a foreigner - returned to thank Jesus)

:D God brought them here!

:D because of Jesus, we have every reason to be thankful!

* PRAY - as The Spirit leads you!

* show them their desperate sin-sick condition, bring them to the cross & throw the full weight of their confidence on HIs mercy there to be healed of sin!
* in healing them, they as 'foreigners' would loudly glorify, praise & thank Jesus!

* may Father seek & save their lost souls for His own glory

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs that will go to the ends prayed for above :)
* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* keep providing enough teachers/ helpers to reduce group sizes for better quality time with students or give us better skills in dealing with big groups!!!!
* * bless the TEAM (Teaching English As Mission In) day this Saturday to raise up more laborers for the harvest!

pray for the unreached!!

Those who have never been told about him will see and those who have never heard of him will understand.
Romans 15:21 (Living Bible)

Neither Paul nor the disciples had any idea how far the fame and glory of Christ would spread at the time this was written. A few short years before Paul wrote this verse, the idea of sharing the gospel with a Roman soldier was very strange to Peter. Could any of them even imagine what we are now seeing the Lord do (sending his children to some of the most remote parts of the Amazon River Basin)? He might just be waiting for you to pray before he moves his almighty hand in one of the world’s darkest places!

Pray that the Lord’s hand will reach the Jiripanco people this day! 

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Friday, May 21, 2010

pray for John, Calvin, Melissa, Kate Jerry, Jess

these were some call centre workers i spoke to in the past few weeks when at the end they ask "is there anything else i could do for you today?"

i tell themthat i have a website with an important message for them to see, referring them to - telling them it's an important message regarding their eternal destiny.


:D the ways He's used the internet to communicate His gospel to the lost!


* draw their souls [deeper] into Fathers' love & this would be highly contagious to all around them !!

why not share this (or your own favorite evangelistic website) with those strangers Father brings you into contact with? on the internet / phone etc?!

The Lord isn't slow to do what he promised, as some people think. Rather, he is patient for your sake. He doesn't want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to him and change the way they think and act. 2 Peter 3:9

i wonder how many lost souls Christians speak to, but we just let the opportunity slide without directing them to Jesus in some way?!


Make the most of your opportunities because these are evil days. Ephesians 5:16

Thursday, May 20, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function…. Romans 12:4
Many people describe missionaries as the legs in the body of Christ. They do the stepping out; without legs, the body would go nowhere, stagnated and growing fat. But the legs would be nothing without the rest of the body. The head, of course, is Christ. Congregations can be seen as the trunk, to provide vital support functions for the legs. The legs cannot be strong unless the trunk is strong as well. Rejoice today that even though you may never be able to be Christ’s legs by becoming a missionary, you can be a vital part of the missionary enterprise through your financial and prayer support.

Pray that the Father will teach us how to make the trunk healthier!

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

praise & pray for Naoki, Steve, Bonnie, Julia, Anna, Tomo, Forrest, Lucy, Emma [JAP. KOR, TW]

those i met through English corner on Tuesday! [discussed the Good Samaritan]


:D blessing me with jackets to give away for others to use as the weather gets colder~!
*** does ANYONE HAVE (or ANYONE U KNOW) any extra / unused/unwanted Winter clothing + UNUSED / UNWANTED MOBILE PHONES? +  ?? am collecting for a good cause :) ***

:D making all nations & deciding to bringing those from the mission field here at this time in their lives!


* open their eyes to se they are just like the traveller in the story who's been beat up & left for dead by their own sins & this fallen world, & show them The Saviour who came to give them life even when they were His enemies!!

*  give them repentance & faith in Jesus, The Only Saviour before it's too late!

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs that will go to the ends prayed for above :)

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* keep providing enough teachers/ helpers to reduce group sizes for better quality time with students or give us better skills in dealing with big groups!!!!


pray for the unreached!!

I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish…to preach the gospel. Romans 1:14, 15

Paul’s obligation was not a promise or a formal contract, but a demand deep within his conscience. Rather than leisurely carrying out some religious responsibility, Paul eagerly fulfilled his debt of gratitude to the One who had paid a great price for his salvation. We, too, are under such an obligation to reach the unreached people groups like the Akurio. You may or may not be called to go to them, but today you can pray that someone will go and tell them about our wonderful Lord, Jesus Christ.

Pray also that the Akurio people will be receptive to the Savior when workers come to their villages.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14

How many people in the world still haven’t heard of the Lord Jesus? It is very difficult to say. The Bible is translated into languages that are spoken by 90 percent of the world. Christian radio broadcasts blanket the earth. But there are about 8,000 small people groups who don’t yet have any members in the body of Christ. They need Christian missionaries who understand their language and culture so they can have fellowship and grow in Christ.

Pray that groups like the Wayanas may soon hear about Christ within their own culture!

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Monday, May 17, 2010

REJOICE with me + pray 4 me!

look at the moon . . . I wanna be just like that ^__^ (i.e. brightly reflecting a glory not my own, simply faithfully reflecting His light to all =)

-- i'm not an awfully faithfully bright reflector tho :"(please REJOICE with me & pray for me!!

if you care about me & love me, please tell me anytime you see something wrong in my life!

i've been accepted as "eligible" to take part in a market research group for TransLink on Wednesday the 20th at 6-8pm in the Brisbane CBD.

- will be reimbursed $80 for my time & input in the focus group discussion ;)

:D opportunity to be rewarded for telling them what i think!

*please PRAY with me & for me*

* i'll be a good witness to those involved in this focus group session!

* keep making me very salty light wherever i go!

* wisdom to invest the time & money He blesses me with for MAXIMUM ETERNAL IMPACT!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. Romans 15:20
This verse could be the motto of all frontier mission-minded Christians! Paul was certainly a leader in the early Church both in spiritual and organizational matters. But his heart was always concerned with the frontiers of the gospel, where Christ had not been named. Of course there are many people who need to be won to Christ here at home and in other cultures that already have a church of their own. And certainly new Christians must be trained well. Yet we must not forget Paul’s example.

Pray that the Lord will raise up modern day “Pauls” to go to completely unreached tribes like the Kalapalo people of Brazil.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Shona, Tim, Shakshi, Meila, Linda, Sean, Hoon,

ahh.. catching up on backlog of draft posts .. :|
- met Shona working @ a busway stop while waiting for a brother to arrive - passed her an 'eternity' gospel tract . . . while she said "i believe this" she still wasn't sure where she'd spend eternity .. :|
i told her she needed to be sure! do pray for her~!

- met Tim, Shakshi, , Sean & Linda at a Youth Fellowship evangelistic night - they were all confronted with God's perfect law & convicted in their conscience of their sin & need for a Saviour.
While it seemed like nobody responded then & there, good conversations were had & good questions asked. may Father water the seeds, bringing it to fruition to His glory!!

- met Hoon through Sunday Night Sessions for International Students  
... he doesn't want to go to heaven because he thinks it's boring - there'll be no drinking or girls :S

may Father have mercy on him & clear the horrid misconceptions he has & show him the horrors of the hell he's headed to & give him repentace & faith to flee to Jesus before it's too late!

rejoice with me & pray for me~!!

A verse that hits me as another “life motto” verse:
“Daily expect the Day of God, eager for its arrival. The galaxies will burn up and the elements melt down that day - but we'll hardly notice. We'll be looking the other way, ready for the promised new heavens and the promised new earth, all landscaped with righteousness.
So, my dear friends, since this is what you have to look forward to, do your very best to be found living at your best, in purity and peace . . .” 2 Peter 3:12-14

So once again, Dear praying friends, I humbly ask for your prayers as we journey on toward HIM! :)

if you have any questions / comments of my life, Don’t be shy~! my life's an open book ;)

++ praise & prayer points from previous prayer posts mostly still apply, but for the sake of space I’ll leave them out ;)

:D rejoice with me! :D

:D all the many & varied reminders of the beauty of His grace- often in seeing what my life could’ve been like if it weren‘t for His grace stopping me & turning me around!


* save me from the absolute foolishness & stupidity of self & all the dumb things it drives me to do!

* I’d value what He values, despise what He despises, having the same priorities as Jesus has!!

* I’d not flatter, please or entertain people but seek to please GOD ALONE [Heb 13:18!]

* knowing I’m chosen, I’d work with faith, labor in love, and persevere in the glorious expectation of Jesus’ return!

* keep me living as a citizen of heaven while here on earth!

* help me share the gospel with excited enthusiasm!

* keep me NOT wanting my own way, but ONLY wanting His will to be done in & through me~!

* help me QUIT flirting with the world, dabbling in sin and get serious, REALLY serious about LIFE!

* keep me from the evil of PASSIVITY! [not doing the good I know I must do!!]

* I’d live as one this world doesn’t deserve, always homesick for my True Heavenly Home! (Hebrews 11)

* my attitude to *all* earthly possessions would be “ours” NOT “mine”!

* I’d yield to Him working His humility & selflessness in me!

* I’d super-abound in love & not be stingy!

* I’d not “love the world's ways or its’ goods, knowing love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. practically everything that goes on in the world--wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important--has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out--but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.
take up permanent residence in a life of love, & so show I live in God and He lives in me!” (1 John 2:15-17, 1Jn 4:16)

~thanks~!! please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!

praise & pray for Tae Seob [KOR]

- i met Tae Seob along with Gabriel at a Sunday Night Session for International Students the very week i was most tossing up whether i should go or not ... then Father spoke to me through a sermon clearly: "YOU MUST GO OUT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO RETURN"

- let this be our hearts' cry, fellow Christians, to all

though i didn't "feel" like anything of eternal significance took place that night, (i.e. i didn't get to share the gospel with anyone), i did pray the contacts made would be used by HIm for HIs glory :)

so i made a lunch appointment with Tae Seob to use up a free lunch deal i received ;) :D
- though he likes Christians & went to a mission school in Korea, i got the feeling from him that he was much too proud, doesn't like God & wants to be independent & so it came as no surprise that he doesn't want to go to heaven. :"(
what a sad time! :"(

. .. but.. Father is more than able to humble & break his soul & bring him to his knees to know The Only Savior!
pray as The Spirit leads for his lost soul! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

praise & pray for Gabriel [KOR]

- i met him at a Sunday Night Session for International Students the very week i was most tossing up whether i should go or not ... then Father spoke to me through a sermon clearly: "YOU MUST GO OUT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO RETURN"
- let this be our hearts' cry, fellow Christians, to all ~3 BILLION souls who STILL WAIT TO HEAR THE GOOD NEWS OF OUR LORD JESUS!
though i didn't "feel" like anything of eternal significance took place that night, (i.e. i didn't get to share the gospel with anyone), i did pray the contacts made would be used by HIm for HIs glory :)
so i made a lunch appointment with Gabriel at my favorite kebab shop :D
it turns out Gabriel is spiritually seeking, i pointed him to Jesus as The Answer.
pray as The Spirit leads for his lost soul! :)

praise & pray for Jessica, Tomo, David, Forrest, Charlie, Max, Gabriel, Sun, Jacky, Sean[?], Kevin, Cindy, Felicia [JAP, KOR, TW]

those i met through English corner yesterday! [discussed multi-culturalism]


:D making all nations & deciding to bringing SO MANY those from the mission field here at this time in their lives!


* give them a Divine discontent to cause them to hunger & thirst after, look for & reach out to find the only One who can give them right relationship with their Creator God -- Jesus!

* reveal Jesus as Lord to these precious souls, bring them to repentance & faith in The Only Saviour before it's too late!

* provide them with accomodation/jobs that will go towards the ends prayed for above :)

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"

* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* provide more teachers/ helpers to reduce group sizes for better quality time with students or give us better skills in dealing with big groups!!!!


Saturday, May 08, 2010

pray for the unreached!!

Then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15

Choice is a great privilege—and a fearful responsibility. The greatest choice any individual or group will ever make is which god it will serve. Today as personal freedom is often exalted over virtue, the call to serve another may sound like foolishness. Yet even when carnal men think themselves most free, they find themselves in bondage to lust, greed or materialism. Scripture reminds us that God has created people for Himself, to love and serve Him. If we reject God and worship someone or something else, bondage and idolatry result. When we serve God wholeheartedly, we experience spiritual freedom. In the words of a hymn, “Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free. Force me to render up my sword and I shall a conqueror be.”

Pray for the Atikum-Uma people to chose Christ rather than spiritual beings that are trying to destroy them.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

praise & pray for Julius, Kei, Taeseob, Peter, Charles, Trisha, Rachel [TW, JAP, KOR, IND, AUS]

 those i met through English corner on Tuesday! [discussed mothers' Day]


:D giving us mothers!

:D despite all the world tells us, we are beautifully & wonderfully made by The Creator!

:D bringing them here!
:D providing more teachers & helpers! (Trisha, Rachel =D)

* we'd see these dear lost souls in heaven, because they received revelation of The Risen Lord Jesus who made our mothers & gives us beauty & worth! - along with others who're there because they didn't keep Jesus to themselves!!

* they'd become disillusioned & dissatisfied trying to conform to this worlds' idea of beauty & worth to find it all in Christ!

* stir up a hunger in these precious souls to want to know The Only One who can satisfy their souls!

* work by His Spirit through all the 'English corners' globally to draw lost souls into Living, Personal Relationship with Himself! see look for the "World Free English Classes Timetable"

* Nations would be impacted as they send their bright future leaders abroad to study English to add to the multi-cultural beauty of Christ's Bride, The Church!

* have mercy on them & send them back to 'home' eternally-changed souls, to join the missionary force He's raising up there!

* provide them with friendships / accomodation/jobs/ that will go towards the ends prayed for above :)


Saturday, May 01, 2010

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

Of all end time prophecies, this is probably the most likely one to be forgotten. Before Christ’s return, the gospel must be preached to all nations. We are not called to sit passively for God to act; He has given us a job to do. It is our responsibility. Will you do your part?
Pray that the Church today will rise to the challenge of taking the gospel to every nation that still lacks a fellowship of believers.

source: <-- GO HERE & pray EVERYDAY!! <-- GO HERE & pray for an unreached people group EVERY HOUR!! <--GO HERE EVERYDAY TO release penny's for God's Word to be translated in every language still without His Word! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY TO provide your suffering brothers and sisters with a portion of God's Word for free! <-- GO HERE EVERYDAY & click to help world hunger~!