my new identity: beloved child of The King. FULL STOP!
:D rejoice with me!! :D
:D the joy of freedom! [from religion, sin, toilet doors that wont unlock, spontaneous crazy bowel motions etc!]
:D giving me sufficient energy & rest to last the time volunteering onboard the Doulos, despite the abonormal tiredness i was experiencing in the lead up to the time!
:D He wants to free us from the preoccupation of getting from God so that we can simply live in the reality of what He gives!
:D filling my cup to overflowing every moment of everyday! [Psalms 23:5]
:D i don't have to imitate His Life, i only have to trust His Life!
:D i have a Father who loves me more than any other human being on this planet ever has or ever will.
:D Nothing i can do today will make God love me any more, and nothing i can do today will make God love me any less!!!
:D Father is not disillusioned with me because He had no illusions about me to begin with!
:D Because shame, guilt and condemnation have no role in helping me live in God’s life, He's removed them in Christ and does not manage them for my growth!!!
:D He wants to make himself known to me daily and teach me how to recognize and follow His voice!!!
[see http://www.lifestream.org/j.livingloved.html
* teach me these truths we rejoiced over above & what it means for my life :)
* i'd stop putting limitations on who He is & what He can do in & through me!
* i'd daily humble myself before Him (James 4:10) & seek things above, where Christ is seated at God's right hand (Colossians 3:1)
* feel as if Fathers' leading me away from the ' comfy & familiar' of international Student Ministry to something not-so-familiar. . . scary (??) No idea what - so please pray! :)
* i'd engage the lost not in artificial conversations of religious obligation, but take a genuine interest in them and incarnate God’s life before them!
* i'd ENJOY BEING loved by Him than just running on a religious treadmill of busybusybusy!
* preserve the beautiful *simplicity* of living in relaionship with Him rather than get tied up again in a complex system of modern pharaseeism!!
* grace to choose to trust Him & be a YIELDED & EMPTY TO BE FILLED BY HIM!!
* i'd Trust in His Life to LIVE in, through, and on behalf of me who can't live!
please tell me how i can best support you before His throne of Grace too!
if Papa so leads you to be my regular prayer supporter, do check out this prayer blog every now & then :)
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